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Noelle entered the store happily greeting her best friends. They were so excited to see one another. She couldn't help but notice everyone had their faces in front of a computer or sketchbook. "Look at y'all, workin' hard."

Diamond glanced up from her computer screen and smiled. "Heeeey! Welcome back! How was Nassau?"

"This bitch 'bout to knock me down!" Jamir held his chest as Diamond bumped his shoulder in an attempt to quickly hug Noelle. She casually flashed her middle finger, making him playfully roll his eyes. "I don't roll that way."

"Nassau was beautiful! I didn't wanna leave. I almost cried boarding the plane." Noelle couldn't stop thinking about her vacation. Getting away from all of the drama is what she needed.

"So dramatic. What did y'all do?" Jamir asked.

"We went jet skiing, and he took me to these two restaurants that was so—"

"Hold on. I see a new piece of jewelry around your neck." Jamir smirked.

"Benji gave me this. Y'all, he is so sweet. The first restaurant he took me to was gorgeous it looked like a garden. Once we left the restaurant, he told me how he felt about me and gave me this."

"Did you cry?" Diamond smiled in awe at the lovely necklace. "Of course! We had so much fun."

"By so much fun you mean..." Tai trailed off, waiting for her answer.

"That too." They shared a laugh before she handed them their souvenirs. As they continued to chat, Simone and Kiara strutted into the store.

"Hi, welcome to the CREAM Agency." Jamir greeted them. Simone scrunched up her face while looking around. "Do you have an appointment?"

"Oh I don't have an appointment. I was actually looking for Noelle." Simone replied. Noelle smirked while looking over at Diamond who smirked back.

"Me? Is there a reason why you were looking for me?" Noelle tried to hide her smile but she couldn't help it. She had Simone feeling some type of way and it made her laugh.

"Yeah bitch I want you to stay the fuck away from Benji." She snapped, making Tai and Diamond laugh.

"Why would I stay away from my boyfriend?"

"Can I help you?" Diamond glared at Kiara. "You look lost."

"Hoe you know why I'm here. You two bitches some home wreckers." Kiara yelled making Jamir snap his head in their direction.

"Okay y'all gettin' real disrespectful have a nice day." Noelle waved them off.

"You know Benji still fuckin' wit' me that's why you mad." Simone smirked.

"Naw you know Benji can't get enough of me that's why you're really mad." Noelle told her.

"If you don't have an appointment please leave. This is not the establishment for that." Tai told them.

"Bitch don't nobody give a fuck about this shit! I'll fuck all this shit up!" Kiara yelled at her.

"And I'll gladly call the cops!" Jamir chimed in.

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