If He Should Ask

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There is a boy who catches fire flies by himself

Who loves spiders like kittens

Who wants his hair to grow so that he can part it down the middle

There is a boy who takes things apart to salvage the smaller trinkets inside

There lives one who flutters his feet and wiggles his arms when he is excited or pleasantly surprised

There is a boy who loves potatoes, any shape or form (save scalloped)-- who wants a garden of them

Who stuffs his face with broccoli and spinach just the same

Who claims he hates all celery, but takes a huge bite just to spit it out into a bag, then goes in for yet another chomp

There is a boy who loves his family

Who cannot wait for his graduation bonfire, because he shall burn a pile of furniture there

Who has a weird thing for tomatoes:
He mustn't eat them cold nor warm, only in between
He shall take off half of it when one sits on a burger since only half of the sandwich tastes good with a tomato, naturally
He cut one up and planted the slices themselves, which grew but shrivelled with the cold

A boy who loves tennis but doesn't think he's good

A boy who has a talent for acting

Who reads me his favorite childhood stories in the kindest voice, no matter how odd it may be, and who is glad to do it

Who does not take pity in the tears but wipes them away with kindness instead

One that has the sudden urge to learn all things origami

A boy who will plant flowers with me and keep them in his room

A boy who builds snowmen with exaggerated body parts *eh em* and turns into a child when he tramps through the white

There lives a boy who likes my feet, but thinks it largely disgusting when they are uncovered in public

Who watches saxophone solo videos for days so that he can memorize the parts to play at random later

Who bobs his head and rocks on his legs, frontwards and backwards, as he closes his eyes to display a half grin, when he's jamming out

Who ordered wire rimmed, circle flip sunglasses online and did a photo shoot with them

Who long boards in the winter

A boy who breaks off icicles, licks them, and claims that they taste like flavorless popsicles-- "what the heck?"

There is a boy who likes fruity candies over chocolate: preferably sour tropical skittles

There is a boy who makes hardboiled eggs in the oven

And throws rotten potatoes across the road with his brother

Who snatches street signs once they've fallen

And finds actual pleasure in sneezing

There is a boy who ran to a rock in the middle of a dead field just to say he found it-- a boulder! And to inform anyone who might pass of his treasure

There is a boy who is becoming my favorite human and my best friend among them, I never thought that would feel this way

Who taught me to make trihexaflexagons

One who took my hands and made me go to the dance floor, revealing an array of moves he must've kept hidden away from me

There is a boy who wants that turtle, the baby one specifically

Who I see every now and then, staring quietly at me, innocent to the fact that he makes my chest explode every time it happens

There is one who told me the darkest things about himself with tears in his eyes-- the bravest thing a person could do, knowing the dark things make me cry, could make me fly away

A boy that is betrayed by his ticklish armpits

Who had the wrong drill bit for ten whole minutes, getting angry because the screw wouldn't go in

There is an angel of sorts, who tells me he left the curtains where i opened them, because i showed him "that light can be good" -- and this particular comment chased the dark out for a while

A boy who will bear a church service for my happiness, despite his love for science

There is a soul that will cry when I read him this poem

Who never had those caramelized onions before we made them-- can we make those again?

There is a boy who twitches relentlessly in his sleep

Who sings to me of goldmines and love, pointing at me and mouthing the words when the latter becomes the obvious subject of this tune

Who reads now, more than he use to

A boy who is trying hard to be better, just because I asked him to-- so it all doesn't crumble away

There is a boy who slurps his eggs up in one go, a talent or something of repulse, I'll never know

Who says that cloud looks like a bird skull, but it definitely doesn't

Who murmers excerpts from "Down Under" by Men at Work, into my ear when I was just about to fall asleep

Who holds my hand like a gentleman should, and touches my back softly to guide me when I'm lost in a crowd

There is a boy who listens to informative videos while he is showering or doing dishes, just to retain knowledge

Who, when he sees any kind of large body of water, frozen or not, will ask if I dare him to try and walk on it

There is a boy who makes me smile

And if he should ever wonder why he is my love

May he read this ever growing poem

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