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What happened

To the boy in the front of the bus?

What happened

To his head after everything got quiet?

What happened

To his best friend that disappeared? 

I saw the stars and wondered if you ever looked at them too

Of course you did

Who did

He want to be?

Who did

He want to see?

Who did

Care for him, enough to love him?

I admired you for your talent, but my mouth was in a cage

So you never knew

When did

His head get dark?

When did 

The smoke start to choke him?

When did

He decide to do it?

I use to think you would make it out from the place you were at

But nobody stopped

Where did

We go for him?

Where did

He see the hope die?

Where did

He go after that?

I was brushing my teeth when I heard you had gone

I stood still

How did

We not stop for him?

How did

We cry when he was finally gone?

How did

A seventeen year old boy take his own pulse away?

When I heard you were gone, I was hoping you hadn't done it to yourself

But I knew

Why did

I sit in the back?

Why did

I only observe him?

Why did

Everyone forget he was still breathing?

How can we be selfish enough to think that we couldn't have done anything?

I'm sorry

Poems That Came From a BeanstalkKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat