Chapter 2

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Merida's POV

I crossed my arms as I heard their yelling again.

Honestly how could have they married when all they do is fight.

"MORDU FOR GOODNESS SAKE YOU'RE SUCH A DIRTY PIG!!!"I hear Mom yelled as Father grumbled from the couch and got up.

"Have Merida clean it. She's a girl for f*** sakes" Father said making me grip my elbows.

He's so sexist today...

Well more than usual which means that something bad happened.

There was a long bang making me release my hold on my hands and look down the stairs but see nothing.

A door opened making me look at the triplets who looked scared.

Without a second thought, I engulf them in a hug.

"It's ok... It's ok" I whispered to them while rocking them.

My grip on them tightens as I felt them shaking.

Does Mom not realize what she is doing?

If I'm to be sent away... who'll protect the three devils?

"Go back in... I'll be back. Ok?"I said softly making them leave my arms and run to their rooms locking their rooms.

Now to check on my parents.

I slowly went down the stairs and look around the living room.

No one was there.

"Mom? Father? "I called out and quickly went into the kitchen to see my Mom glaring at Father.

"The triplets are scared so stop fighting," I said firmly.

Father tsked and pushed me away from the doorway.

My shoulder hit the door making me glare at Father.

From the corner of my eye, I saw the stove's fire flicker on.

"Mom why were you guys fighting again," I said making Mom shake her head.

"Doesn't matter?" She said while starting to cut the vegetables.

"If you guys are going to fight like this... then you can't force me to go to that stupid camp" I said making Mom pause.

She suddenly turned around and gripped my shoulders.

Her grip was so strong that I could feel her nails digging into my shoulders.

This was all so new so I wouldn't be honest with myself if I said that I wasn't afraid.

"Merida... my sweet little girl" She said while hugging me making my eyes widen.

Tears pricked at my eyes and I swallowed trying not to cry.

Now I'm definitely scared...

"Mom?"I asked and felt something wet land on my shoulder.

She's crying...

"Please go to that camp... It would help us all" She said making me confused.

"How is me going away, going to solve anything?" I whispered but Mom didn't respond.

She let go of me and looked me dead-straight in the eye making me sigh.

"I understand,"I said while leaving the kitchen.

While going up the stairs I glanced at Father who was drinking and watching the football game.

I continued my way and found myself looking at the triplets who were hugging each other and sleeping.

Should I really go?

The Next Day

Today the last day of school...

"Merida still filling conflicted?"Anna asked making me nod.

"You should go... who knows what you'll learn"Anna said making me look at her.

She smiled, send a type of mysterious vibe.

Before I could say anything else she left.

I looked at the floor and started to walk to school.

Would this really be an opportunity?

I rubbed my hands and looked at the sun.

Soon I started running home.

Everything was silent except for the kettle that was boiling.

Mom was rubbing her shoulders making me frown.

"If it helps you... I'll go to the camp" I said trying not to frown.

She looked up and hugged me.

"Thank you, Merida... Go pack up now" She said making me nod and go to my room.

The triplets soon came in and started helping me.

"Will you leave forever?"They asked making me look at them.

"No, it's for a while ok?"I said and they nodded.

"Take care of Mom ok," I said and they nodded.

They hugged me making me hug them back and soon the four of us drifted to a sleep

My bags in the far corner of the room.

A bang on the door is what made me jolt awake.

"Hurry up Merida,"Father said making me shake the triplets awake.

Harris quickly grabbed one of my bags while the two other ones went downstairs.

Hubert gave me a sandwich making me rub his head.

"Hamish is in the car... You three hurry up"Father said grumpily making me grip my bags tighter.

We got into the car and started driving to where the bus was supposed to meet up with us.

Is it too late to turn back now?

But before I could take anything back Father was already driving away.

"Come on everybody is already boarding the bus,"A girl with platinum hair said making me look at her and go on the bus.

Once I sat down I realized that I've been feeling uneasy.

Looking to the front I realized why.

None of the kids here looked normal...

They all send a vibe of something unknown.

I looked out the window and felt my hand turn into a fist.

What might happen at home is making me worry.

Was this really the solution to the problems?

I should've begged harder.

The triplets are being dragged into the pointless fights that Father and Mom have.

My eyes suddenly widen as I saw the ghost near the bus.

He smiled as he slowly disappeared.

What the?!

My hand trembled as I looked forward.

I don't even know what to make of this.

Secret of The Night (Merida's Story)Where stories live. Discover now