Chapter 5

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I listened as he walked into the bathroom. I heard each stall door open one after another. Then he stopped infront of my stall. He pushed the door and it didn't open.

I looked around trying to find an escape then I noticed the small window on top of the stall.

I smile. Just the size for me to crawl through. I put my foot on the top of the toilet and my hand on the top of the wall like thing around the toilet. I opened the window and then pulled myself up. The stall door opened and I felt an hand on my foot.

No. I pulled my foot out of his grip my shoe slipping off. I climbed out of the window.

I started running. I had no idea were I was going but I kept going. I finally stopped in front of a farmliar house. My grandmothers house. It was a small white house. I looked and saw her car parked. I smiled. I walked up the steps of the porch and knocked on the door.

I heard footsteps inside the house and the door opened. Standing in front of me was an woman with curly gray hair and green eyes. I smiled.

"Gracie! Why are you here aren't you ment to be in school." She says.

"Yes mam." I say.

"Come on in." She says.

I smile and walk in. I heard a mew and my granny's cat Tigger comes running over to me. I bent down and petted her.

"Would you like anything to drink Hun?" Granny asks.

"Yes mam." I say.

She walks into her kitchen. I sit on the love seat. Tigger crawls into my lap and curls up. I pet her, and she purrs.

Granny walks in and hands me an glass of sweet tea.

"Now would you like to explain why you left school?" She asks me.

I explained to her everything that went on today.

"Does your Mother know of this?" She asks.

I sigh.

"No. Nether does Daddy." I say.

"Why don't you ask to go live with your dad?" She asks.

"Because, I was born here and I don't want to leave." I say.

"Then promise me something." Granny says.

"Yes mam?" I ask.

"If it gets worse go to your dad." She says.

I sigh.

"Yes mam." I say.

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