Chapter 3

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I got off of the bus. I went to the schools bathroom and looked in the mirror making sure my eyeliner wasn't smeared. I sighed. I walked out of the bathroom to my first class.

Once I walked in I sat in my normal seat. I was listening to Mr. Griffs when I heard the door open.

I looked te see a boy with black hair. I didn't get to see his eyes. I heard someone near the front say

"Oh great another emo."

Mr. Griffs makes a 'shh' sound to the class.

"Class this is our new student Andrew Godfrey please take seat next to Ms. Lockheed, Gracie can you stand up?" Mr. Griffs says.

I nod and stand up. He looks over at me making eye contact for a second.

He has beautiful eyes. Such a wonderful blue.

I sat down deep in thought. Then heard someone say.

"Hi." I look over to Andrew.

"Hey." I mumble.

"So Gracie. That's a cool name." He says.

I smile.

"So is Andrew." I say.

"I go by Andy." He says.

I nod.

"Nice to meet you Andy."

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