Until I Met You

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This is the only book im currently working on as it is mostly done and its shorter that the rest of my books, so it should be update more often than the others, hope you enjoy XOXO HuMz

2017- Complete


'Shhh Shhh' I say as I gently rock Derek back and forth, in the month he's been alive he's grown a lot. But nights with him are so difficult; he's fussier than Octavia ever was, but I guess it is easier since I'm not doing it on my own this time. These's footsteps coming into the kitchen as I turn around I see a tear stained Octavia walking in. 'Octavia sweetie, why are you crying?' I say as I go on my knees with Derek still in my arms.

'Becwas I lost Mr. Sprinkles, dwont hate me it was an acwident, I cwudant look after him prowperly like you twold me to.' She says in between sobs. I try my hardest not to laugh at the state she's in over a $20 stuffed animal 'it's okay sweetie we'll find him after daycare, now i want you to go call josh, to have breakfast?' I coo trying to quieten her down.

'Owkay' she says the crying now subsided.

'Good, hurry you both need to eat breakfast, were going to be late.' I tell her as I realise were all running late today.

'Ok mommy!!' my breath got caught in my throat she just called me mommy, I'll just never get used to it, well she wouldn't even recognise her own mother, I suppose I'm more of a mother then their own. I guess I should introduce myself.........

My names Lyndsey Olsen and I'm 17 years old and no I'm not a slut teenager with three kids, I've been looking after Octavia since she was born, so it's been a little over four years. Ever since my dad died my mom's turned into a drunk, the last time I saw her was a months ago when she came home 9 months pregnant with Derek. We've been living of the money granddad gave us before he passed, until I'm eighteen, that's when I'll finally get the inheritance my dad left. Lastly there adorable josh I may not actually be biologically related to him but I'm his mother none the less

I guess my story started about 7 months ago though.............................That's when I met him...........

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