The blue-eyed girl let his words sink in, wondering what her own future would be like and more importantly if he would be in it. Since she never wanted the quiet life of a house wife, tending to her children so much that she doesn't have any time for herself—well at least not when she was still this young, when she still had a good amount of her life left. Prudence wasn't like every other girl during the time, and now more than ever she didn't want to be. She found excitement being with him, and adventure, and something so pure in all the impurity he possessed.

This was before their departure from one another that would happen in only a few weeks, so no angst was found between them yet, no betrayal had taken place. They were living in a more simpler moment where they were away from the outside world and its dangerous influences. Peace was found instead of a more expectant chaotic nature, and both parties were pleased by that, wishing that they would do this more often. Things just weren't as complicated then, which is something that was missed in the later years.

"Where are you going to go next?"

Her hand rested limply on his chest, and she could faintly feel his steady heartbeat. "We'll figure it out when the time comes."

"We?" The girl questioned, surprised that the pronoun escaped his mouth but liking it nonetheless, the corners of her lips twitching from having the urge to grin a little.

"Yes, we. It's obvious you can't live without me." He teased, his head shifting so he could gaze over at her, a smile that was rarely shown gracing his content expression.

There was just something about the way he looked at her like that that made completeness sneak up on her, making sure she knew that she was happy, really happy. Her heart ached when she was separated from him and now, as their limbs were tangled up with one another's, it did nothing but send love's complicatedly simple message that is very hard to decipher sometimes. Subconsciously at least she understood it then though, and she basked in this glorious time where they only grew more connected to each other.

And as Void continued on staring at her, coming to the conclusion that he had found absolute perfection, he was positive he never wanted anything more. Usually, when he desired something, it was only one typical, malicious thing like destructive chaos or entertainment from strife, but with Pru, he got a lot of miscellaneous things from her and those things made up this human being he learned to adore effortlessly. More importantly he got reactions he never thought he was capable of receiving, like love, compassion and care. They had grown immensely on one another.

A howl that broke the night air tore away Prudence's attention from the male beside her, the eeriness of it uncontrollably making her cuddle more into him as she watched the door, somewhat frightened that whatever made that spooky sound would choose to break it down. She knew of wolves, but they weren't normally found in this area, though she was aware it could have traveled from elsewhere. It alarmed her that she might come across one or more while she made her daily stroll to her grandmother's house.

"I hope that's not a wolf. My mother definitely would never let me back into the woods." The blonde told him, thankful that he picked up that she was unnerved and held her closer.

"Believe me, it would be better if it was." The fox admitted, turning over onto his side so they were facing each other. "It's much easier to get rid and avoid a wolf than a werewolf. Omega werewolves can be a nuisance and even a normal pack of them can also be a pain."

"Wait, werewolves are actually real?! I... I thought those were just legends."

"Oh, Chīsana Hato, you have so much to learn," He spoke to her cheekily, leaning down enough so their lips brush, a short yet pleasant kiss being shared.

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