Magnets; Potential Vows.

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The keys from my keyboard tap delicately beneath my fingertips, my eyes scanning the luminescent screen at the scattered information, and occasionally clicking the wireless mouse in a huff; I feel like sometimes with these meetings people go out of their way to do anything but what they're required to do, no matter how many times I call them up or query their availability it's always excuse after excuse. How many times do I have to tell you, you've got to give them a bit of tough love, my subconscious offers in a blasé tone as if he's been doing this his entire life. It's never as simple as that though, despite me being acting area manager no one seems to treat me as an equal and all belittle me to the best of their ability. No amount of tough love can change that.

William gave me similar advice in the sense that I shouldn't let anyone walk all over me, although it's difficult to do that when you're of no real importance. "Hello, I'm Harry Styles calling for Daniel Bishop." I speak eloquently, my accent ringing in its most authoritative tone.

"May I ask what it is referring?"

"No actually, I would prefer to speak to him personally about the matter. Would you patch me through please, or ask him to call me back as soon as possible?" My tone is blunt and harsh and I feel slightly guilty for taking my frustrations out on his unsuspecting assistant, but I have spent my entire morning trying to get through to these people with no success, so maybe a little bit of to-the-point strategy will get me somewhere.

"Of course sir, I will patch you through to him now." I hate to say 'I told you so' but, I told you so. My subconscious lights his cigar and takes his first victory puff, I roll my eyes and focus on the music blaring through the phone, I'm really going to detest this song now.

"Bishop." I hear his low voice roll through the speaker and my mind scatters to that of the correct tone to use.

"Good morning sir, my name is Harry Styles, acting area manager for the southwest branch and I have been asked to set up a meeting-"

"Listen kid, I'm not going to listen some inexperienced know-it-all that's gotten to the top easily. Call me back when you actually have some authori-"

"Listen Mr Bishop, I have been asked personally by Mr Miller to conduct an area meeting in regards to the new NorthEast expansion. That is your area Mr Bishop, now I understand that you do not wish to listen to a word I say, and to be quite honest, I don't care, I'm just doing my job. Now you can either attend the meeting and inform the rest of your colleagues, whom of which seem to have the same opinion as you, or you can not attend the meeting and deal with Mr Miller and Mr James themselves, the choice is entirely yours." And with that, I hang up.

A small clap echoes through my office and my eyes shoot up to the doorway only to notice my beautiful wife-to-be stood in nothing but my oversized shirt, she looks absolutely delicious. 'I'm proud of you. I hate that they're not taking you seriously.' Odette saunters over, her bare olive coloured legs driving me wild as she walks and sits herself down on my lap, she has undoubtedly caught all of my attention, the thought of work drifts away to the back of my preoccupied mind.

"How proud are you of me?" My brow raises suggestively.

Those bright blue eyes that I love so much deepen and I can only presume that they are playing back our antics from the night before, and after a few seconds of perfect reverie she comes back to me closing her lips to mine; our kiss is sweet and gentle, my actions feathery as to not disturb her scars too much, she still has to walk around with a bandage on her head, but thankfully for Odette it comes off in a couple of days, ready for her return to work. "Not that proud." She whispers to me as her lips pull from mine, and despite her teasing, I'm elated at hearing her voice, it seems to be happening more and more now that she's had the cochlear surgery, her confidence is returning - perhaps not with anyone else but me, but I take that as the ultimate privilege.

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