"So what you're saying is," Shawn said when he was finally able to form words a few seconds later. "Even if I butcher this date, I can still take your daughter on road trips?"

"I suppose that's one way of putting it," Katy chuckled.

"Well thanks," Shawn said.

"You make her happy," Katy continued. "And I'd never keep Maya from anything that makes her happy." It was more of a relief than Shawn realized, but he couldn't bring himself to say that to her.

"It's always good to address the elephant in the room," Katy continued when he didn't speak. "Before it tramples you."

"Wise words," Shawn smiled. He'd been very stupid to think he could be with Katy without talking about Maya. She'd been right to address such an important elephant.

They'd reached the milkshake stand. She ordered herself one and Shawn had the same, then paid. Katy didn't argue, and Shawn knew he'd made the right call. The whole charity thing before had been pre-date, and therefore no longer applied. Shawn almosted sighed. Stupid date edicate. Why did it have to be so damn complicated?

"Anyway so now that we don't have to talk about Maya," Katy began, taking a sip of her shake as she directed her feet back along the park path. "What should we talk about?"

"Whatever you want to talk about," Shawn replied.

"That's very accommodating of you, Shawn," she said. "Thought not very helping."

"Oh come on," Shawn replied. "You must have at least one question, conversation starter, inquiry..." He trailed off, hoping she'd speak next.

"Well, Maya's told me you had a pretty rough childhood," Katy said gently. "If you don't mind me asking?"

"I don't mind," Shawn replied. "What do you want to know?"

"Everything," she said. "Start at the beginning."

"Let's see... well I grew up in a trailer park," Shawn started. "Spent most of my life thinking my stepmother, who left when I was young, was my mother, when actually she wasn't. My birth mom left long before Virna drove away with the house. Dad was around on and off, off mostly. He liked to run after my stepmother, and try to make her come back, or so he said. Sometimes I thought he was just leaving for the sake of leaving, or maybe he actually thought I'd be better without him."

"Wow, who raised you?" Katy asked him, clearly a little surprised by his story.

"Well, dad tried to dump me with the Matthew's," Shawn began. "But in the end, one of my teachers, Mr. Turner, stepped in. He yelled at me for being out late, cared when I did something stupid, and let me stay with him for almost a year while my dad was gone," Shawn said. "Dad was around for a while after that, and then I lived with my older half brother once I met him, but if I'm being really honest about it, probably Cory and his family. I may not have lived with them, but they were the most stable thing in my life, still are. Cory's dad even offered to adopt me once."

"That's why Riley calls you uncle," Katy smiled. "It sounds like you and her dad were closer than brothers."

"I like to think so," Shawn replied. "Okay your turn."

"Oh we don't have to talk about me," Katy smiled, clearly trying to avoid the question.

"Oh, yes we do," Shawn laughed, his tone teasing. "You're not getting out of this. A story for a story."

"Fine," Katy sighed. She took a large gulp of her drink as if trying to put off speaking. "Well, I live with my ex-mother-in-law, have a teenager daughter, and am a failed actress. What more is there to know?"

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