22 - Hot Chocolate ☕

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🙋🏻 - Abid's POV
🗓️ - October 29, 2022


"Please leave me, Sweetheart," she said, looking directly into my eyes. Her gaze pierced through me, but my heart ached at the thought of letting her go. After all these years, having her so close felt like a dream I didn't want to end.

_What are you waiting for? Just tell her you still love her and that all of this was a big misunderstanding._

My inner voice was relentless, urging me to speak up.

"Beautiful... I want to say..." I started, my voice trembling with emotion, but just as I was about to pour my heart out, her phone rang.

The timing couldn't have been worse!

I reluctantly let go of her, and she stepped away to pick up her phone from the table.

"Err... Excuse me, please," she said, flashing me an innocent smile that tugged at my heartstrings.

I nodded, watching her leave the room. As the door closed behind her, I felt a wave of regret and longing wash over me.

I walked back to my seat, sinking into it as memories flooded my mind. The room still held her scent, and the echo of our brief, intense interaction lingered in the air. I couldn't help but replay the moments that had just unfolded, a bittersweet smile spreading across my lips.

I had purposely ordered two cups of hot chocolate, a gesture laden with memories. Her reaction had told me everything—I saw the flicker of recognition in her eyes. She remembered that day, the day we had fought over my smoking habits. It was a trivial argument, yet it had left a mark on both of us.


🗓️ - July 14, 2016
📍 - Bombay Cafe / Redwing Bar

"You know what, Abid? You are stupid," she said, still angry at me because she caught me smoking.

"Oh, come on, Areena. You’re still on that topic? By the way, I am not stupid. I know what I am doing."

"Yes, you are, Abid. You’re just finishing your life for temporary pleasure."

"Don’t you think, Beautiful, you are overreacting?"

"I am overreacting? Who was the one who promised me last night that he would never smoke again? You know wh—"

I didn’t let her complete her sentence.

"Sshhhhh," I put my finger on her lips. "I didn't know you were that damn crazy about me smoking because it's my choice," I said, a bit angrily.

She kept her mouth shut. I waited for her reply, but she didn’t say anything.

I ordered two cups of hot chocolate.

After half an hour, we were still sitting silently. I finished my cup, and she was still playing with hers, tracing her fingers around the edges.

"Beautiful," I said.


"What's wrong with you? You—"

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