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having left hyungwon and jooheon hours ago. i was still wandering around seoul, thinking and observing the busy streets.

it was slowly getting dark and a light rain was falling from the clouds.

sitting under a tree, sheltered from the sprinkle, i got a text.

unknown number - meet me at the red bridge in Jeoll Park. - c

me - who is this?

unknown number- you'll see - c

"c?" i asked myself. "who the hell is c?"

wondering whether i should endanger myself or just go home and watch tv for the rest of the night. i decided upon having an adventure...or getting kidnapped.

only a few people know the red bridge in the small park in my neighborhood. it was almost always littered with drunk divorced guys but considering the rain i'm guessing they all took shelter under umbrellas in front of local shops.

humming a slow song, i entered the dark and eerie park.

confused as to why the supposed stranger was nowhere in sight, i started to make my way onto the bridge.

as soon as the tip of my foot touched the old red wood, a beautiful melody started to play.

i froze. shocked at the music.

"hello?" i cautiously asked out into the night.

just then, an all too familiar voice started singing.

and 'c' walked onto the opposite side of the bridge.

"you're so beautiful.
i can't take my eyes off you.
like a thorn on a flower, i know i'll get pricked but i want you. so beautiful, so beautiful."


the younger male stepped into the dim street light as he continued singing the same lyrics over again.

letting the music continue to play, rose petals dropped down from the sky.

i looked up and saw three shadowy figures in the apartment building above, dropping red, soft petals onto the bridge, moving away as soon as all the flower petals were gone.

i held out my hand, meeting changkyun in the middle of the bridge.

he was holding a cringey sign that said, "you're too beautiful to handle."

"what is all this?" i said chuckling.

"it's a peace offering, random act of kindness, confession. whatever you want to call it."

changkyun dropped the sign behind him.


i didn't know it was physically possible for the world to move in slow motion. i guess i was wrong.

as i spoke, he grabbed my cheeks that were now bright pink due to the cold and pulled me close.

and he kissed me.

i didn't know what was going on. i was so out of it that i could have sworn that angels were singing and stars were moving in sync with the wave of changkyun's damp hair.

he pulled away.

"although i'm slightly disappointed that you didn't kiss me back."

changkyun got on one knee before me.

"yoo kihyun, hyung. i like you too."

although it seems stupid, i
started to cry.

i engulfed him in a huge hug and cried.

half-laughing and half-crying i asked, "how did you get my last name?"

"hyungwon-hyung." changkyun answered proudly.

"what?" i said, pulling away.

"your best friends were in on it this whole time. i'm not sure you could ever forget our first meeting but in my group of friends there's this guy named hoseok. he said he knows you and your friends. he offered to help."

"so you mean-"

"the guys dropping the petals were jooheon-hyung, hyungwon-hyung, and hoseok-hyung."

i burst out laughing and hugged him again.

holding changkyun at arm's length, i took a second to look at his face, his annoying, smiley face.

i brought him in for another kiss. but i kissed him back this time.

"can we go home now?" i said as i rubbed my arms up and down, feeling the rain get harder.

"yes. definitely."

we shared comfortable eye contact for a moment before grinning at each other.

"did you bring your car?"

"nope. we have to walk."

"damn it, hyung."


dear diary,
today was...well, a day. when you first hear that sentence you would think it was bad and too tiring to talk about and for some of it, it was. but as the stars showed and rain fell through the treetops, my day, or night, just happened to get a lot better. on one hand i doubt i've never felt happier. on the other, we felt the symptoms right away and now both changkyun and i are sick and watching movies on his couch. hm. this is the last page in my cramped, tiny journal. i should have bought a bigger one but hyungwon INSISTED this one was simpler and cuter. well then, i guess it's goodbye for this old paper. and yeah, it's been a day. a good day.
love, yoo kihyun

"what're you doing?"

"just some journal entries."

"you write?"

"not well."

"i doubt that."

lying my head on his shoulder i called his name quietly.

"hey changkyun?"


"you gave me a concussion."

"you've told me that five times

"and changkyun?"


"you give me a headache."

headache »» changkiWhere stories live. Discover now