entry three

735 39 4

dear diary,
what the heck? do hyungwon and jooheon actually expect me to go to a party at ten pm?? DURING MY ALL WEEK TESTING??? with a concussion no less! they're insane. crazy for sure.

am i being a stick in the mud? i need someone to tell me i'm not. didn't i say i was going to have a more interesting life?! ugh. what should i do? what should i dooooo?????

i've come back to the same page as before and i've come to a decision...i'm going. i'm probably going to regret it but who cares. i'm gonna try to live for once.

sincerely, yoo kihyun


"are you sure? i don't want you to regret it and then possibly kill me in my sleep if you fail a test."

"i'm sure. i'm trying to have fun! you know?"

hyungwon shrugged and continued to shove all the contents of his lunch down his throat.

rolling my eyes, i checked my phone to see what was going on in the instagram world.

'why doesn't my feed look as good as his?' i thought as a faint jingle from the restraint door sounded

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'why doesn't my feed look as good as his?' i thought as a faint jingle from the restraint door sounded.

"hyungwon-" i started to ask the question that was on my mind when a guy with very prominent muscles appeared in front of our table, staring at my friend in front of me.

"oh you're hyungwon, right?"

"yeah, i am. you're hoseok, you're in my photography class."

now, i've known hyungwon since early middle school and he's always seemed a bit cold-hearted; so when i saw his face get brighter and his usually hunched back get straighter, i knew it was my cue to leave.

"you can have my seat, hoseok."

i smiled and pushed out the chair, "i'll see you on monday, okay?"

hyungwon slowly nodded as if he was in a trance as i waved for the last time. stepping out of the warm cafe, i made my way to the bus stop.

putting in my earbuds, i started to hum along to a ballad by an artist i don't know the name of, finishing the last few seconds as the bus arrived at the sidewalk.

in a good mood with a hop in my step i gave the driver my money and took a seat.

looking out the window, i couldn't help but feel my head ache as an all too familiar voice filled the quiet bus.


"chankyun..." i mumbled.

"daejeon complex. daejeon complex."

the bus driver spoke tiredly through the microphone, voicing how i felt at the moment.

although i was tired, i smiled at the thought of taking a nap in my warm apartment. that is, until i saw, changkyun was standing at my neighbor's door. and just my luck, he followed me. "is he going to try to hurt me again?" i said to myself, more angry than scared.

i stood and watched as he took out a single a key and turned the lock. i absentmindedly walked up to him.

"where's hyoyin-noona?"

"oh, hello, she is on a month long trip with her boyfriend. i'm cat sitting."


"do you want to come in?"

"isn't that a little unprofessional? it's not your apartment," i said sourly. changkyun didn't seem to notice.

"she's not here so it doesn't really matter."

thinking about it for a second, i thought about the possibility of us being friends...then i thought, "no. let's hate him."

"sure. but if she finds out i'm blaming you."

i barged into the slightly familiar apartment and took a seat on the couch,  placing my bag on the floor.

"is ramyun okay?"



"changkyun, i know."

"what? how?"

grimacing, i turned my head toward him.

"you're the one who sent me to the hospital when i could have been sleeping."

changkyun gave me a confused look as i put my hand up to silence him.

"a few days ago i was happily taking a nap in the sun when an all too loud group of friends took a seat next to me."

continuing, i said, "then YOU hit me in the head with your butt. one your friends scolded you and that's when i learned your name. i've hated you ever since because you didn't apologize, pay for a trip to the hospital, or just have any common sense in general!!"

breathing heavily, i felt at ease as a result of letting out my anger.


"so...is the ramyun done yet?"

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