Chapter 15 - Tae

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"Y/N. I can't be with you unless you do this. Please.." Tae held both of my hands in his as he eyed every inch of my face before fixing his gaze at my eyes with his own desperate ones.

I reluctantly nodded and smiled, agreeing with him.

The rest of the way back to my house was occupied by me and Tae talking and messing around with each other. As we approached my house, he pulled me to the side of it, gently pushing me against the rugged brick.

He leaned down and put his mouth near my ear, whispering in a low, husky voice ,but just loud enough so I could hear him. I could feel rose-colored heat spread across my pale cheeks, a noticeable view. I was hoping he wouldn't be able to see my face through the darkness settling into the atmosphere.

"I had an amazing time tonight, Y/N. Thank you for giving me a chance." Tae placed one of his hands softly on my cheek and the other on my waist, drawing our bodies closer within every second that passed by.

"I-I h-had a gre-" I began replying before I got cut off, my eyes widening with shock.

Tae had his body fully pressed against mine as our lips were connected, his soft and plump lips planted on my small lips. I got over my shock and put my hands on his chest, softly kissing him back, resulting in our lips slowly moving in sync.

I felt him smile into the kiss and I did too, loving the feeling of being this close to him. I guess I do like him a lot. I mean..I don't know. This just doesn't feel right.. 

He pulled away, put his other hand on my waist and stared straight at me for a minute before breaking the silence with his voice.

"How about another date Friday?" His deep voice replayed in my head a couple times before I realized what he said.

"O-oh yeah. That s-sounds n-nice." I cursed myself in my brain for stammering. Well he can probably tell I am blushing now because my stupid-ass just had to stammer. Great job, self. I swear, it has to be impossible for my face to get any redder. I guess Tae did end up getting me back. Curse you Tae..

He gave me a hug, squeezing me delicately, and kissed my forehead.

"Bye, Y/N. See you at school tomorrow, right?" Tae asked while he strode away from me.

I nodded quickly and turned around, making my way into my house.

When I walked in, I was greeted with the wonderful smell of my favorite foods. Is Yoongi Oppa cooking again?

I guess I was a little too loud entering the kitchen because my brother startled me by calling my name.

"Y/N, I prepared dinner since Eomma is still not back. I made bulgogi and rice." He smiled at me and made us both a plate.

"Oppa, can I tell you something?" I fidgeted with my hands, my nerves taking over. I have to tell him..


"I..I went on a date." I dared to look up at Oppa after a minute of silence.

"With who?" His expression showed the tiniest bit of anger but mostly..sadness.

"With T-Tae. He a-asked me to and I-I accepted. And after the date he asked me to be his girlfriend. I..said yes." I began to gain a little confidence in my words, as I stood up straightamd dared my eyes yet again to find their way to Oppa's. He just looked more and more pained with every word I spoke. 

"Do you really like him? Are you happy?" He questioned me, making my confidence now nonexistent. 

For some reason, I hesitated before answering him, leaving my mind in a baffled mess. I just shook off the confusion. "I-I really do like h-him. And o-of course I-I'm happy." Why am I stuttering again?? Ugh, Y/N get yourself together! 

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