Chapter Six: Always

Start from the beginning

"'s alright, Kay," he said, trying to calm my helpless wails. "I'm so very sorry. I never wanted to hurt you...that was the last thing I wanted to do.." he murmured into my hair.

My brow furrowed in confusion as I removed my face from his chest to look at him. That was when I saw a tear roll down his cheek. Where was all this coming from?

"W-what do you mean?" I asked, genuinely curious.

Dylan sighed and ran his fingers through his hair.

"I wanted to tell you about all of this during the past week, but I was having trouble accepting it myself. I didn't want it to be true, but it was. It killed me knowing that this was happening, and I didn't want to hurt you too. Kaylee, I'm moving."

My whole body froze and my breath hitched in my throat. I could feel a lump rising in my mouth and my heart felt as if it had sunk to the bottom of my chest.




My Dylan was moving?

At first, I was in denial. No, there was no way this was happening. We'd grown up in this little town together our whole lives. His family wouldn't just pack up and move...

"No, no is this some kind of a sick joke? You're not moving," I gasped in shock.

"I am...Kaylee, I am. I'm moving across the country because my dad got a job offer there. I'm so sorry that I didn't tell you, I just didn't really know when the right time was. And then you brought in that whole other factor and I really didn't know how to do it by then..." he trailed off.

By "other factor", I knew he was referring to me liking him. Then, suddenly, something within me snapped. I became extremely upset and angry towards Dylan, and nothing could stop the words of fury from flying off my tongue. I had seriously lost it.

"YOU DIDN'T KNOW HOW TO TELL ME? How to tell me, 'Oh hey Kaylee, what's up, yeah by the way I'm moving across the country, away from this town that we grew up together in'? How to break it to me after I poured out my feelings to you and you just left me there without a word? How to spill the news after ignoring me and blowing me off for a week? How to tell me that my best friend from my whole childhood life was leaving? Tell me, Dylan, which one is it? Because honestly, I don't even know. How could you ignore me like that? Especially if you were leaving!! These were our last few days and I spent them pissed off at you because of that. Hell, I'm STILL pissed off. Words can't even describe how much you hurt me, whether you tried to protect me or not!! I hate you Dylan, I hate you!!!"

I realized that I was screaming loudly at him, in an extremely insane manner. But I couldn't help it. It felt like my heart had been ripped out of my chest. My heart ached and my eyes began to well up with tears. Within a second's notice, I was bawling after yelling at him and telling him I hated him. It wasn't true, but I couldn't help but want him to feel a sliver of the hurt that I felt. However, what I found next was my wet face buried into his t-shirt once more. I was shaking and trembling like a chihuahua, but he didn't seem to mind. His arms simply embraced me and made me feel safer than I had ever felt in anyone else's.

"I'm so sorry, Kaylee, I really am. I know that no matter what I say can make up for what I did to you, but I am so sorry, with all of my heart."

I rolled my face out of his shirt and looked at him with my tear-stained eyes.

"T-then can you at least explain why you did it?" I stumbled out.

"Kaylee, I already told you -"

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