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The cold. That's what will kill me.

   I huddled in the center of the dank cell clutching my knees to my chest to preserve the last of my warmth, but I knew it was pointless. It wasn't the rotten stench of decaying flesh or crusted blood that made my stomach writhe and nearly heave. No, the mind was a far worse enemy than any physical being the world can offer— and I should know, because I'd seen all of them.  I told myself that it wouldn't be much longer, that the pain of this fear would die  when I did, and a part of me was comforted by the thought. I'd never feared death, and in some instances I'd even begged for it. But now that it was here, I didn't want to die.

   The door to the jail opened and light spilled across the floor as it flooded into the room and crept over my skin. I squinted my eyes and peered up at the burly shadow towering over me. A shiver ricocheted in my body. The black hood on his head told me everything I need to know:

   I'm going to die.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2018 ⏰

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