Chapter Twenty-One

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Chapter Twenty-One: Getting Ready

"Take your mind off the problems for a moment, and focus on the positive possibilities. Consider how very much you are able to do." -Ralph Marston.


 "This is why I don't do hair," I hiss as I burn myself with the curling iron again, "I'm going to go tonight with bright red burn marks all over me. Why can't I just pull it up and call it done?"

 "You can recreate a new element but not curl your own hair," Alex chuckles at me from where he sits on my bed.

 "Shut up, I think we all know which one is more important," I take the next piece of hair and curl it, "What does it say to do now?"

 "It says that now you take the bottom half and twist it and then put a hair tie in it," Alex reads me the hairstyle instructions off of my laptop.

 "Oka-ay," I do what he says. I stand in the bathroom in my skintight, black uniform that I will wear under my dress, "Now what?"

 "Then it says you just grab random hairs and like- wait, I accidentally skipped a step. Before you do that twist you're supposed to do a loose French braid it down the back."

 "Alex! Ugh, you're killing me here," I laugh as I take out the rubber band.

 "Sorry! I don't know hair either. You're the one who wanted me to help you," Alex cries out from where he sits on my bed. "Why don't you just wear your hair down anyways? It looks pretty just curled like that."

 "Because when I'm in my suit I like it better when my hair is up," I reply from where I stand in front of my mirror in my bathroom. Alex hums in response as he reads the instructions on my laptop intently."So, how do you do a French braid?"

 "I'll look it up!"

 After watching a video tutorial, I am able to successfully French braid my hair, for I am a quick learner. I am getting ready for the soiree tonight. In efforts to fit the look of an elegant soiree, I have to do my hair and makeup. I am fine at doing makeup, but when it comes to hair I fail. I have always been either a straighten it or pull it up in a ponytail kind of girl. Apparently I cannot do that for a fancy party. Alex wanted to hang out with me even when I told him I would be doing my hair. Despite taking so long to do my hair, we still have two hours to get ready before we need to fly down to Berlin.

 "Okay, so, now I twist it..." I twist the end of the braid.

 "Yeah, and then you take what's left and just pin it places, I think," Alex leans closer to my laptop, "The font is so tiny under these pictures; I think that is what it says."

 "What? That can't be right! Let me see that," I walk into my room and take my laptop from him. I see that is all the tutorial says what to do, "That's not very helpful."

 "It seems simple enough," Alex shrugs.

 "Yeah, but you don't have to do it," I start attempting to pin up the rest of my hair.

 "True," Alex stands up and walks into the bathroom, "But you could always do it like this..."

 He proceeds to take my hair in the front and pull them across my forehead only to pin them on the opposite side. I start laughing as it looks like I have an awkward headband of hair.

 "I'm not wearing it like this!" I squeal in laughter as Alex pins another few hairs across my face.

 "Why not? I don't think you've ever looked better!" Alex exclaims in a high voice, "Girl, you look fabulous! Boo, you are Vogue."

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