Chapter Twenty-Five

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AN: I haven't even read through this. Finaly finished the school year, and took my SATs, so I'll be doing this a lot. Lucky ducks.

I gasped and launched out of my chair, causing Charles to burst out laughing and sprayed soda everywhere.

My first reaction was to glare at him. “You’re paying for that.” Pause. “And buying me a new one.” Then my head swiveled around to put a face on the voice that had unseated me. He stood over me, offering me his hand. I ignored the offer and managed to get up on my own.

He was a few inches taller than me, a few inches shorter than Charles, and had short, shaggy blond hair that was frosted with green dye. His eyes were ice blue, his skin unblemished. His nose was set a bit wide for his face, but his structure was otherwise thin.

His scent stung my nose like never before.

My first instinct, the one I was now used to ignoring, reminded me that one bite was all it took, and I growled. I was already rolling onto the balls of my feet.

The vampire’s cocky smile faded as he realized I could easily end his life. “Charles,” he hissed.”

I can’t tell you what it was that had pushed me over, or how I could lose control so easily. Charles and I had found out that my bite, my saliva and such, was only dangerous when it felt dangerous. Otherwise he would have been in trouble just by sharing food with me.

This felt dangerous, but Charles grabbed hold of me quickly enough. His arms were tight around me, and it looked like he was hugging me.

He was crushing me, but, eh, what’s the difference?

“Jacie,” he whispered. I was somewhat gone, but mostly here, with him. “You’ll be fine, okay? I just need you to calm down, because if you give in to instinct we’re going to have a mess of explaining to do.”

I didn’t pay much attention to what he was saying. The un-named vampire was now sitting in my seat, studying me intently. My blood-lust ebbed away into curiosity, the adrenaline seeming to evaporate, and I loosened. My mouth was stinging from the venom, but it was slowly being replaced by human saliva.

“Charles,” I finally hissed. “Let me go.”

He quickly complied, and when I was free I dragged a new chair to the table. The un-named finally ripped his eyes off me and looked to Charles. “This is all indirectly your fault.”

Charles set down the remainder of the drink he had yet to replace, frowning. “How?”

“If you had just told her who I was she wouldn’t have freaked.”

Charles narrowed his eyes. “I doubt that. Regardless, you’re the idiot who snuck up behind her. I warned you.”

“Yeah, well-”

“Enough!” I interrupted, my eyes flickering between the pair. My long day couldn’t deal with much more of this, I thought, as their focus directed to me. “It’s my fault, okay? I lost control.”

The blond turned in the seat so his full body was facing me, extending a hand for me to shake. “I’m Caleb.”

I smirked and shook his hand. “Jacie.” And then, to Charles, “You’re an idiot, you know? But you owe me a drink. Please replace it now.”

His mouth gaped opened, shocked by my unwanted insult, and he managed to growl before heading up to the counter.

I immediately turned my attention to the other vampire. “You’re New York Caleb, right?”

He nodded. “But, unfortunately, I don’t give autographs.” His attitude was very on-airs, right down to the charming smile he flashed, showcasing his fangs. I immediately noticed that someone had worked on them, taking the time to get decal engraved and dyed gold.

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