Chapter I

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Eret's POV

"The heck is this Eretson? One of your attemps to hook me up with some bimbo? If that's the case then you have a five-second headstart." Eret actually paled upon hearing those words. Odin, Thor and all of Nine Realms knows better then to get on the bad side of the person in front of him right now. Slouching on the sofa, looking at a photo, he might not look like much but don't let the appearance fool you. If you have seen even a fraction of what this man is capable of, you'll be terrified even if he is doing nothing more than sleeping.

"Eh... no." Eret tried to keep his voice from trembling. "Although as hot as she is, she's your next contract". Eret quickly said then turn away to gather all of his remaining courage, which is never enough to deal with this guy, only to see that almost all of his bodyguards have now fainted. Those that are still conscious are now praying to every single god of Valhalla. Eret doesn't blame them though. The man slouching in front of them is Fury, widely known across the underground as the very offspring of Lightning and Death itself. He never knows fear, never shows mercy, and NEVER MISSES. Why are they so deathly afraid of him you may ask? Well, one reason actually. Right now he is NOT in a good mood.

"I'm not in the mood for a hit contract right now. Tell your boss to get someone else." His forest green eyes are giving Eret a piss-off-or-else look. Although it was a very tempting offer, and Eret was already on the verge of taking it, he can't just go back to his boss empty-handed, though it would still be a better idea than to piss off anyone even remotely related to Lightning or Death let alone both.

"It's not a hit contract. It's a retrieve one." At the last word, Eret can swear he saw Fury's eyes widened up a bit before turning back into the normal stone cold look.

"Not sure if you've notice. I don't really do retrieve contracts. The only thing I retrieve from my contracts are evidences of death." That's it. "Eret's a dead man" is now the thought running through the minds of his bodyguards. Eret himself is now listing all that he hadn't crossed out on his bucket list. Convincing himself that he can't die before having a full make out session with a girl who won't kick him in his balls sack afterwards, Eret tried with all his might to force out the words of his reason.

" I know. I really do. But considering her security measures, any of our retrievers will be turned into a bullet magnet before even be able to get 10 meters close to her. That's why we turn to you." Eret let out the last word while thinking about what will happen to him if he come back empty handed. Nope. Nothing good will happen. Why? Since he saw the last guy did so ended up with a pair of concrete shoes and a bath in the boss's pet piranhas tank after a proper three-days-and-nights beat up. He should know since he's the one who threw the poor guy into the tank. While Eret busy imagining his end, Fury just shuffle his mop of auburn hair for a while then sighed.

"Fine. But I'm charging extra for this." Fury said to the extreme reliefs of Eret and his crew.

"Your payment will be waiting for you at a drop point of your choosing." Eret quickly said not wanting Fury to change his mind. Whew,he's not sleeping with the fish.

"7.00 pm sharp the day after tomorrow, expect a call. If no one picks up after three rings, the contract will be terminated." Fury said coldly before standing up. Eret stood up as well but before he can say anything, in front of him now was nothing more than air. It was like darkness itself had reached out and swallowed him whole.

"It was a pleasure doing business with you, Mr. Fury." Eret smirked and did a mock bow before turned and leave with his men.

Hiccup's POV

"This sure bring back memories." Hiccup mumbled to himself as he looked at the photo Eretson gave him. A blonde girl with blue eyes. There was also a name on the photo but there was no need for it. Hiccup knew this girl all too well. Astrid Hofferson. Second-in-command of the Hooligans. The girl for whow he is where he is now.

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