"Uh, hello?"

Jungkook kept his glare fixed on Taehyung hoping he would turn the blonde to ashes before the call ends.

"Yes, hello. Are you okay?"

Jungkook closed his eyes and sighed before answering.

"Yes, I'm fine. Sorry for that. I was, uh, I bumped into my bed while walking so.. Yeah."

Jungkook made up the lie, looking at his feet as he spoke.

"Oh. So.. Why did you call?"

Jungkook darted his eyes from the ground to Taehyung looking for an answer which Taehyung mouthed to him.

"Uh, I called to tell you that, um, it's just, you know, *sigh* how do I say it?"

Jungkook face palmed at the loss of words but how could he be blamed when he had no hand in this situation and yet was forced to play a role in it.

"Are you.. Confessing to me?"

Jungkook almost dropped the phone while Taehyung snorted badly as he tried to keep his laugh silent. Jungkook felt beyond embarrassed and again, it was because of Taehyung. His eyebrows couldn't stop twitching at the tearful laughing of the crazy blonde in front of him and out of anger he blurted the first words that came in his mind.

"I actually called to tell you that Tae has a huge crush on you and he wanted you to break up with your boyfriend so that he could be with you."


Taehyung's laughter died and in an instant he lunged forward to grab the phone from Jungkook's hand as he yelled to make sure his voice reached the other end for Hoseok to hear.

"IT'S NOT TRUE, HOBI. I SWEAR. HE'S LYING. IT'S NOT TRUE. Give me the phone, you son of a bitch."

Jungkook poked his tongue out as he pulled back and ran away ending the call, with fuming Taehyung on his tail screaming profanities for the entire neighbourhood to hear.


Jungkook laughed heartily after finally feeling the taste of a successful revenge and flipped Taehyung off without even looking back since he was sure that the latter could never catch up with him.


Jungkook turned to look back when Taehyung said that but it was his biggest mistake because it made him unable to see a comparatively short guy running to stand in front of him. Hence, he got tackled to the ground without even getting the chance to look at the face of the person who pinned him down and sat on him. Last time he remembered being pressed to the ground was when Jin was misinformed by Taehyung and now was the second time.

Taehyung joined the two of them after a short moment, huffing and puffing.

"Who is he and what did he do?"

The person called 'chim' asked when Taehyung's breathing finally calmed down.

"This here, Jimin, is an asshole who just ruined my chance of getting Hobi's forgiveness just because he's a dick."

Jimin raised his eyebrows at that and looked down at the struggling male beneath him.

"Him? How so? I've never seen him before."

Taehyung chuckled slightly before reminding Jimin about what happened few months ago.

"Remember the bunny we stole from the bus stop?"

Jimin thought about it for a moment before it hit him and the short guy snapped his fingers.

"Ah! Of course. What about him?"

Taehyung raised his eyebrows knowingly and it took two seconds for the midget to realize what was he suggesting.

"No. Fucking. Way. He's him?"

Jungkook felt extremely uneasy being ignored while being crushed even though he was struggling.

"Sorry to interrupt your little business meeting but could you get your ass off of me? Literally."

Jimin got off but kept his hold on Jungkook's arm firm to ensure that he doesn't run away.

"So, what did he do?"

Jimin asked turning his attention back to Taehyung and reminding his friend about his purpose of shouting out Jimin's name.

"Oh yeah. You know how Hobi wasn't picking up my phone right? So, I asked Jungkook to make the call from his own phone and talk to him for me. First, he wasn't agreeing with me and when I finally dialed it, do you know what he told him? Trust me, you won't believe me what he said."

Jimin eyed Jungkook suspiciously, who was looking at his surrounding and ignoring the two guys with him, before looking back at Taehyung with anticipation.


Taehyung pinched his nose bridge as he placed his other hand on his hip.

"He told him that I wanted him as my boyfriend that's why I purposely lied to force them to break up."

Jungkook gulped as he wondered if this is what Taehyung meant about being unable to control the situation when he pranked Jungkook that one time. Jimin was staring at the prisoner in his grip with open mouth and wide eyes while Taehyung was glaring daggers at him. In the next moment Jimin burst out laughing as he put up his fist for Jungkook to bump it, which the confused guy did awkwardly, unable to understand the turn of events. Taehyung turned his optic laser beam towards the shorty at that but Jimin continued to laugh in his face.

"Oh man! I can't believe it. That was the best thing I've heard in years. Taehyung and Hobi? Jungkook, was it? You're my new best friend, pal. I love you."

Jungkook couldn't stop the smug smirk that appeared on his face when he heard that and glanced at Taehyung to see his reaction, which, as expected was enraged.

"Fuck you, chim. Fuck you, both."

Jungkook took the chance to strike again when he saw Taehyung turning around to leave.

"I thought you only wanted me!"

Taehyung suddenly stiffened in his gait before walking away faster as his ears and face shaded red but after walking a small distance away he mumbled to himself.

"Of course I only want you, you prick. That's why I came to you after getting drunk."


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