Chapter One

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Here it is! Hope you guys enjoy this :))

Lone Dancer takes place about twenty years later than the events of Ring Around, so Rose and Erik are all grown up with kids, and some of your favorite characters from Ring Around and Double Back have returned to party!

Picture of Viviana on the side! :) She is portrayed by Freya Mavor from the UK show Skins, which ended in 2013.

Posting way early because I just completed DB and I wanted to give you guys even more stuff from this universe lol.



Morgan :)


"Vi! Get up!" I'm rapidly shaken awake by my younger brother Landon. Holding in my frustration to smack him upside the head for waking me up before twelve on a weekend, I groggily take in his bright blond hair and football pajamas as he walks out my room.

You little shit, I think after he closes the door behind him. Sighing, I shove the covers off me and stumble down the hallway and into the bathroom. Recoiling from the mirror, I note my green eyes are surrounded by pillow lines and my blonde curls are caught on each other like tangled wire. Well, this is nothing a long shower won't fix...

Grumbling as I stomp down the stairs of our house, I'm faced with my sister's beaming as she yanks me into the dining room with unnatural strength for a fifteen-year-old.

"Why am I up so early?" I mumble to myself. Cassie gives me a blank look.

"Because Aunt Stella, Fiona, and Colin are here?" Oh. Right. That.

"Shut up, Cass, it's too early for all this commotion." I'm also tempted to smack her in the face, but once again I'm forced to dismiss the urge because I know for a fact that my mom would flip if she saw me do it.

"Viviana!" My aunt Stella grips me in a fierce hug the second she sees me, and I nearly choke on her hair being caught in the hug. Fiona - my twenty year old cousin - smirks at me, flipping her long, brown hair over her shoulder as her mother squeezes the life out of me.



I hear my mom coming and I just barely manage to get myself out of the way before she flings herself onto her best friend. They're practically sisters, so we all just treat her like an aunt to please Mom. Plus - if everything had gone the way it was supposed to - she would have been my aunt. Dad's brother, Aiden, and her were mates, but life doesn't always work out the way you want it to. She was pregnant with Fiona when he died, and from what I've heard, she'd never been the same since.

Now that I'm out of the way, I take the time to survey my family. I'm the oldest child, being seventeen; Cassandra is only fifteen. With her black curls, creamy complexion, and fiery attitude, she's pretty much a mini version of Mom, except for the fact that her deep blue eyes match Dad's.

Then there's Landon. He's only eleven, but he's pretty mature for his age. He's the spitting image of my dad, only a lot younger than my dad's thirty-seven, and a hell of a lot shorter. You can tell he idolizes him, the way he follows him around all the time and does everything he does. If my father moves, Landon moves - it's an amusing version of monkey see, monkey do.

Evan's the youngest, and at the moment he's probably in the other room playing with Fiona's mate Colin. He loves kids, and since Evan is only eight, it's a perfect combination.

Evan is weird, occasionally saying something very advanced for his age. He's the spitting image of mom, and sometimes you'll catch her sadly watching him. She's never told us exactly what happened, but I've heard rumors through the pack about some type of hunter attack when she was a kid herself. But now that she's thirty-six, it seems like a very long time ago.

Lone Dancer - Mistwater Chronicles #3Where stories live. Discover now