Chapter Seven

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Hey guys!! It's been a super long time (like a month yikes) and I'm sorry but I've been super busy! Between being cheer captain and doing my college apps and trying to do my homework + get a decent amount of sleep...well. You can see why I haven't updated in a long time!

Hope this meets your standards (maybe I'll go for a double update tonight, haha) but I've had a TON of writer's block with this chapter lately, so I'm sorry if it sucks. I've been spending a lot of time, when I do write for this story, on the later parts of it -- so sorry about that.

Anyways, enjoy! Vote and comment what you think :)




The date itself is wonderful.

When we walk in and sit down, there's another couple already sitting at one end, so Jace and I opt for the middle of the table so we have the best view of the chef doing the cool stuff with the food. After another ten minutes, a tired-looking father walks in with his extremely hyper daughter, and they take the two end seats so there's a chair separating the three groups.

"So," Jace says, turning toward me once the food has been ordered and we have some time to ourselves. "How was your day?"

"It was good," I tell him. "I almost fell asleep in Stat, but that's nothing new. You?"

"Better now," he jokes, and then we both laugh. "So, tell me about you. I mean, besides what we already talked about."

"Well, you know about my siblings already," I reply, taking a sip of my water. "What about your family?"

"I live with my mom," he answers. "She's into IT and all that, but she does some physical training stuff on the side."

"What about your dad?" I ask, and then immediately wish I hadn't – for he tenses up and I just know that something bad must have happened and I wish I hadn't been stupid enough to ask the question when he doesn't talk about him very much and –

"He – he got into a car accident when I was nine," Jace says, and then tries to relax himself but fails. "That's why we moved here, actually. My mom didn't want to be in England without him."

"I'm sorry," I tell him. "I shouldn't have asked. You don't talk about him very much."

"You wouldn't have known, so don't worry about it," he reassures me. "Besides, it would have come up eventually."

"You're right," I reply.

"I miss him, though," Jace says, and then gets quiet for a second. "We had the same eyes. And he was the furry one of the family, if you get what I mean."

I get what he's saying very quickly, and wonder how that's been working out. His mom is human and his dad was a werewolf, which is how Jace ended up a werewolf as well – werewolf genes are dominant. The only case where they wouldn't be would be if genes got mutated, but I've never seen anything like that happen before.

"Your mom knows about your furry little problem, right?" I ask, raising my eyebrows at him.

"Of course," he says, and then laughs. "I mean, my dad told her when they got serious, and of course she knows now. But what about your parents? I wanna know about them."

"Well, they joint-run the company," I reply, without really explaining that since he already knows what I'm talking about. "And they run all the important stuff around here, if you get what I mean. But they're pretty cool most of the time, and they're cool with the fact that I don't wanna run anything when I'm older."

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