Chapter Three

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Hey guys! Hope you're enjoying the story so far; I have a couple chapters written out haha. In the meantime check out Daywalker and also the edited edited version of RA as I post them!!

But above is the girl who plays Eve; her name is Raven Lyn and she's a model and she's stunning! The only differences are that Eve has much longer hair and it's black instead of Raven's dark brown.



The next day rolls around much too quickly, and I groan as I drag myself out of bed. The air is much colder than the warm cocoon I had myself in under my blankets, so I quickly pick out my outfit for the day before I hop in the shower.

I can hear various people walking around, and the water gets considerably cooler as Cassie gets into the other shower. Annoyed, I quickly rinse off my face and get out, stepping into a pair of tight black jeans, a flowy blue top, and put on my socks so my feet aren't cold.

After I put my hair up into a bun, I apply a light dash of mascara and Chapstick before sliding into black combat boots, putting on my black leather jacket, and a light brown scarf. Grabbing my backpack, I walk down the stairs to get something to eat to see my father standing by the counter, making a fresh pot of coffee.

"Morning, Dad," I say, yawning as I open the freezer and pull out the waffles. He gives me a halfhearted wave, blond hair flat on one side. His eyes look glazed over from sleepiness, but that quickly disappears once Landon's loud music goes off to wake him up for school.

"Jesus Christ," he mutters under his breath, and then Cassie comes down the stairs, hair braided loosely over her shoulder. "Morning, Cassie."

"Morning Daddy," she says, practically throwing her daddy's girl status in my face, and then scowls at me. "Viviana, you know I always shower in the mornings. The least you could do is not use up all the hot water."

I roll my eyes at her as I take the syrup out of the cabinet. "Look: my hair was a mess. If you want more hot water, get up earlier."

"Girls," Dad says warningly, handing me a cup so I can pour some orange juice in it.

"Sorry," we both mumble under our breaths, but the look she gives me suggests anything but letting this go.

As soon as my dishes are in the sink, I rush back upstairs and brush my teeth and give my hair a last second check before coming back downstairs. I almost bump into Landon in the hallway as he sleepily makes his way downstairs to eat something. Mom looks extremely hassled as she warns him that he's about to walk into a wall.

A typical morning in the Peterson household.

I hear the honk of the horn outside as Adam stops outside the house, Eve already in the passenger seat beside him. Adam has a blue Jeep Liberty that he saved up and bought himself. His parents didn't even chip in for gas money, but he didn't care - it's his car, and he loves it.

Cassie and I walk outside, and I let her sit in the middle so she can talk to Lara. That, and I want a window seat.

Waving to my father, I close the door and strap myself in as Adam pushes the gas and starts driving us to school. The clock reads 7:04, meaning we have exactly twenty one minutes until we have to be in class. The drive is relatively quiet, save for Cassie and Lara rapidly discussing something that happened with a pair of sophomores at a party Lara went to.

Lara is actually quite pretty; her hair only hangs to her shoulders stylishly and she has small, pixie-like features. She's a competitive swimmer and manages to have the time to do swim team for the school and for her swim club. Because of this she always has a faint undercurrent of chlorine in her scent, but it's easily covered up with a dash of perfume.

Lone Dancer - Mistwater Chronicles #3Where stories live. Discover now