Then he makes a noise that comes from his chest and I feel it vibrate against me through his back which I still have my chest pressed against and I know he wants me to get off. The feeling of neglect I get is hard to ignore and It makes may stomach hurt in an irritating way.

"You okay?" he rasps out once I stand in front of him and begin to pull the helmet off my head and hand it back to him.

"Mhm." I hum back and Immediately roll my eyes at the way his eyebrows draw together in "confusion" at my reply.

"What did I say about rolling your damn eyes." He doesn't want me to repeat his own words back, he wants me to apologize. He hasn't said my name since I fell in the field. Fuck if I say sorry to him.

"Lavender." My name on his tongue is like music that makes me want to fall into him and do anything he asks of me. He knows it and i hate that. "Go up to your room, leave the window open, or don't. I'll come up there anyway, but I'd like it much more if it were unlocked for me." and the small dimple that shows up on his face when he gives me a half smile with his words melts me all over again. I nod. That's all I can do because I'm scared that if I open my mouth to talk I'll say something like ' Kiss me again please' or, 'can I press my chest against yours? I really like being there.'and I know I can't say either of those things, especially considering that they are only the beginning to the possibilities of words that could spew out of me.

I turn and run the small distance to the drive of my house. Stuff the key in its lock and push my door open. I slam it shut and run into the kitchen finding a glass and filling it with water so that I can quickly chug it down and get rid of this dryness in my mouth and maybe help myself breathe again and remind my body that it needs to pump blood to my brain.  It seems to have forgotten for the last few hours. Then I'm upstairs. I strip myself of the clothes covered in grass stains and his sent, in hopes that releasing one of my senses from the clutches of his distraction will allow my mind to function properly, or at least a little better than it is.

With my navy silk shorts and black thick strap tank top on, I brush my hair down while looking myself in the mirror and I can't help but wish that my lips were still swollen from his kiss so that I had some proof that it happened. I don't know what I'll do if he doesn't let me taste hm again. Was I a bad kisser?

I heard the tap on my window before I saw him. I rushed to put the brush down then lock the door of my room. I opened the latch on my window and he pulled it up before he climbed into my room. He looked too big here, or everything else looked too small. He looked like he needed to be outside the second he stepped in here. An animal that shouldn't be caged.

"Why didn't you unlock the window, Lavender?" my mouth is dry again and I still can't seem to formulate words in my mouth or find a way for my tongue to push them out. "So you don't know how to talk now?" cue eye roll.

His hand was on my jaw and my face was pulled up to his level in the blink of an eye. I whimpered at the shock of contact and the way my neck strained. His hold loosened, fractionally.

"Don't. Don't do that." I nodded at his command and his hand fell. he shook his head with a small chuckle."If all I had to do to have you comply so easily was kiss you. I should've done it a long time ago." His words entered one ear circled around my brain and then coursed through my body. That kiss was nothing to him.

"Lav, you know I didn't-"

"Why are you here, Luke?"

"I want to see you."

"You saw me all day, why are you here?"

He didn't like me calling him out on his weak attempt at pleasing my curiosity. He stalked towards me, light steps for such a big male. I backed up because in this scenario I knew I would always be the one hunted, I was the prey. I wish he wanted to devour me.

My back was against the wall of my room across from my window. My breathing was getting heavier and my chest was rising and falling quickly. I liked this heat too much.He was so close, his chest almost on mine, his abdomen almost pressed against mine and I want it. It felt like I need it. He places his hands on the wall on either side of me and he put his face in the crook of my neck without warning.

I felt his nose brush my skin, and the air run by as he inhaled while moving his lips gently up my neck to my jaw. he wasn't kissing me, they were barely touching me, but I want to moan already.

"You smell like you, I love it." His right hand was on my neck again, he moves it so that he has more access to my throat. "I'm here because I need to taste you again, I hope you don't mind." His breath fans across my mouth then his lips are on mine. I moan this time.

His tongue licks the seam of my lips then shoves itself between them before I have time to open my mouth for him. He licks my tongue with his own and I love it so much more than our first kiss because it feels like he's showing me he needs me more than I need him. It's not true, but I want to feel this way forever. My mouth is open and his is open diagonally on top of it, he's flicking his tongue against mine, fighting with me, proving to me that he will always win because I don't stand a chance once he has me like this. I don't want to move to breathe, but if I pass out I can't kiss him any longer. I turn my head and he finds a place on my neck to leave wet kisses and move up from as I take in a deep breathe. The hand he had on the wall has moved to my waste to assist him in meshing my body to his deliciously.

"My mouth, my mouth." I let the words pass my lips with my heavy breaths and he answers me quickly with sliding his tongue back in my mouth like he owns it and then he's sucking on mine because he wants me to know that he does. I moan again and lift a leg off the floor to rap around his hip. The second his hand moves from my waste to hold it there tightly, he freezes. I want to cry 'NO!'  because I know he's stopping and he gets to choose if we start again and I know he won't tonight, because he likes to torture me maybe?

I can feel his small smile on my lips before he pulls his moth from mine completely and sets my foot back on the carpet and I'm a little more okay now because he smiles instead of leaving.

"God. Lavender, you make me crazy." He whispers it like it's a secret. It is one to me, it's the best secret anyone has ever shared with me. I want to drive him crazy like I want to breathe, when he's going crazy he kisses me and It feels like that's what I'm alive for right now. There is no way everyone's first kiss feels like this, no way anyone's second. third fourth or thirtieth kiss feels like this. It can't be physically possible to feel like this for so long. To feel like I want my body to become a part of his.

"You're so warm."

"I hope you like it."

"You know I like it."

"Hmmm—" the way he hums at my words make me want to weave my fingers in his hair and pet him over and over. So I do, but his hand is there to stop me before I get my fill. "You can't do that."

"Why?" I sound like a child that just got told, 'no more candy before bed.' and I'm not a fan.

"Because I'm trying to make sure I don't do everything I want to do to you right now. I can't scare you away too quickly." He smirks and I want to wrap myself around him.

It's silent between us as our breathing calms down and I feel like I'm glowing with my nicely swollen lips because they're swollen due to him and I don't want the swell to go down, I like the way it feels too much.

What happens tomorrow?

"Tomorrow, I pick you up and you kiss me while I push you up against my car-" his strong hands move against the sides of my body, ironing any wrinkles out of my tank top with his grip, stretching me out. "Then I drive you to school and bite your lips on the hood of my car in the parking lot, so everyone can see your swollen mouth all day and know it belongs to me."



Pls let me know what you think as per usual.

love you guys so much sorry for the wait <3


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