Chapter Four: Outsider

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Hey guys! Sorry if certain parts of this chapter doesn't makes sense. I had written this down quickly as a really rough draft and then forgot about it. So when coming back, I was more than just a little confused...I think I fixed most of the problems, but if not please let me know!


As I woke up, I could hear the forest birds screeching their off-key songs from the top of their lungs. I had fallen asleep next to Chase to calm him down. Looking around, it seemed to be in the afternoon, as the sky was full of clouds but the air was warm and breezy.

Chase was still asleep on the grass beside me, he was flat on his stomach sucking his thumb, with his little black wings twitching now and then. The only clothes he had on was a long fuzzy milk colored blanket that sorta wrapped around his body.

Sighing, I got up from the long grass and jumped off a rocky cliff that was farther away. Chase would be asleep for maybe a few more hours and he could not walk so there was no harm in taking a little flight. The wind was easy to glide on, it was strong and warm. As I reached the bottom of the cliff, I landed, the ground was slippery from the mist of a waterfall nearby, here I got some water to drink.

Fraelross might have been greener than this place, but here the sky was not as pale. Forest surrounded me and all I could see was trees and wildlife. The birds were different too, they were a lot more sapphire and emerald colored birds, while at my place the birds were regular gray, brown, and red.

After looking about, I flew back up the steep cliff and landed right on the edge. Looking back, I saw that a rumbling river twisted around the forest like a snake. The river was deep blue, and it vanished into the mountains that outlined the horizon.

I inhaled a deep breath as I walked back towards the sleeping infant. Chase was now on his side, curled up into a little ball, the soft grass encircled him acting as a cushion. Bugs buzzed and jumped about while a loud mouth bird screamed its head off, waking little Chase. His big bobblehead suddenly jerked up a bit, his eyes slowly opening. Once he noticed me he tried to move his hands in front of him, but he instead tipped onto his back. He let out a small sharp cry as he rolled onto his little fuzzy wings.

I quickly ran over to him, and picking him up, I cuddled him in my arms, whispering comforting words to him. He then slowly let a happy smile grace his face full of baby fat.

"You're so cute," I cooed, kissing him on his chubby cheek, to which he replied with a burp.


After playing with him for a bit, I placed him on my hip, leaving my sword next to a tree. I wanted to look around, but not too far out, just a little way in the forest. It was hard to carry Chase and the sword at the same time.

As we walked into the woods, the soggy ground sloped down, and the air was moist. The trees were made up of subalpine fir, and spruce. Walking down the mountain slope, I saw through the trees, smoke. Something was over there! Help hopefully. Taking off into a run, I held on to Chase tightly as he nearly slipped off my hip a couple of times. But, as I ran down the hill, I had to come to a sudden stop, seeing a fence down below. The gods were against me as I accidentally slipped on the wet earth and came painfully sliding down the hill on my glorious buttox. Chase seemed to be enjoying his little ride though.

We came to a jerky stop, as my feet hit the tall wooden fence. Gathering up my bearings, I stood up and wiped away the dirt and moss from my backside, I gazed through the slits in the fence. At the other side was a gravel road, looking old and dusty. Farther down I saw a house, it looked small but cozy. The worn-looking chimney had gray smoke puffing out if it, but no one was outside the building. The land around it seemed mushy and wet, but at the same time fertile and fresh.

Rifts in the Dimensions #1- How I Joined a Rebellion and Became BadassWhere stories live. Discover now