Chapter Five: The Unwanted Stranger

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Disclaimer! This is not my picture! All rights go to the artist!

Please tell me if I made any mistakes or if I could word a sentence better. Every bit helps!


Glaring at the mysterious penguin boy, I saw he held a sharp dagger to my neck. There was no way to get a good look at his face. A mask covered his head from his neck to his nose. Dark cool jet black aviator glasses graced his face. The only I could clearly see was his hair, his pretty neck length coffee brown hair. (Just imagine the Winter Soldier in a way.)

His ice-cold dagger pushed hard against my ~gorgeously~* unflawed skin. As crimson droplets slowly trickling from my neck. I immediately thrust my leg backwards, hitting him in the 'nether regions'. A sharp gasp of pain emitted from him as he slowly slid down onto the ground clutching himself while muttering curse words that even my mother wouldn't be able to wash out with a bar of soap. Taking the opportunity, I leaped forward throwing myself on top of his hunched figure.

The weird guy struggled for a minute trying to throw me off, but I was much stronger than him. Placing my knee on his right shoulder, I pulled down his Wind-stopper mask and pulled off his cool aviator glasses. Pretty teal eyes framed with long lashes stared back at me as I stripped his face of accessories. He looked cute, kind of dashing you might say.

I shook my head, quickly realizing I was getting sidetracked and that I needed to pull my fan-girling-ness together.

"What's your name?" I questioned steadily, pushing harder on his shoulder, making sure he wouldn't get the upper hand.

The boy ignored my question, as he frantically whipped his head side to side, scanning the area. He then finally looked back up at me with narrowed eyes. "Where did you take me!?"

In reply to his question, I lifted my clenched fist as if to smack him hard in the face, "I asked you first pretty boy!"

His whole face seemed to darken at my comment as he turned his head to the side, trying to avoid my gaze. "I don't give my name to weird strangers!" He spat, trying to struggle against my iron grip.

'What? Mommy told you not to speak with strangers?' I thought, rolling my eyes at his pathetic struggling. 'Maybe I should offer him some candy! Oh wait, you don't take candy from strangers!?'

I pulled back my fist, ready to sock him good for talking sassily back when I realized something vital I had overseen. "W-Wait a second. How do you understand me? You're a human?!" I yelled at him. Freaking out a little, I gripped his shirt and pulling him up, I threw him harshly in the air. He collided with a pretty maple tree, and since it was autumn, thousands of leaves of all sizes fluttered on top of him, burying him deep.

'I know I should have kept him there, but he's pretty strong and my arms were getting really tired,' I stared at him waiting for an answer. 'And besides, you got to look like you have the upper hand in this situation. Plus it looks super cool. You got to have priorities, right?'

Sitting up with leaves in his hair, the boy stared at me for a little while and then laid his head back down while answering over confidently, "let just say, I've seen your kind before. And I know you're not talking humanoid chickens. "

I bristled a little at his snide comment because we are not chickens, we are fabulous peacocks! Reaching deep down inside me, I tried to grasp whatever calmness and maturity I had, (which wasn't much (-_-) but all I could find was a metal baseball bat ready for a gang fight. I sighed since I sadly could not use that if I wanted him to be able to speak afterward.

Rifts in the Dimensions #1- How I Joined a Rebellion and Became BadassOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora