Chapter Two- Date..

Start from the beginning

"About three years." I shrugged. "I was about 15 when I discovered it."

"Have you ever had a dom?" He asked.

"Yes. I was 16, it only lasted about 6 months, he liked to sleep around. And I am not fond of STD's, so I decided to be a loner." I looked at him. "What about you?" 

"Which question?"


"I have been a daddy for about 5 years." His happy looked quickly turned to something else. Anger? Sadness? Both.. "I have had two littles, but one serious one." 

"What happened with him?"

"Much like you," He looked at me, "My partner liked to sleep around. " 

"I'm sorry." I frowned. He quickly smiled and sighed. 

"Things happen. It has been a year. It is okay." He shrugs. 

We spent about two more hours just talking about our childhood, what we like, etc. Now he was walking me to my door. 
"I had a great time tonight." I said blushing. 

"I did as well." He smiled. "A second date?"

 "Are you asking?" 

"James, would you like to go out with this hunka hunka again?" He asked, humor dancing in his eyes. 

I laughed and rolled my eyes, "Yes. But I choose the place."

"We will see." I was going to argue but he gave me a look, so I decided against it. "Goodnight, Jameson."

When he said it, it wasn't bad. I liked it. I liked when he said my name. 
"Goodnight, Christopher." I smiled. 

He leaned down and kissed my cheek. 
"Get some rest. I will text you tomorrow." He left one more kiss on my cheek before walking back to his car. 

I watched him leave before closing and locking my door. 

"So how was it?" 

"JESUS FUCKING CHRIST!" I jumped and screamed. Deedee sat on my couch eating ice cream. She looked lost as to why I was yelling. 


"Why are you here?" I asked. 

"I wanted to know how the date went." She said in a duh tone, with an eye roll to back it up. "Under the door mat? Really? You couldn't be just a little more creative where to place the key?" 

"Shut up, most people don't break in with a key." I said sitting next to her. 


"It was.." I smiled. "Good. No.. Great. I had a wonderful time. He is so nice, and so sweet." 


"Shut up. I'm just saying, he is amazing."

"So, second date?" 

"Yes. He is going to text me tomorrow." I smiled. She looked genuinely happy that I was happy. "Thank you, Dee. You are an amazing friend." 

"I didn't want to see you so upset when you saw a couple anymore, James." She smiled and set her ice cream down. "You deserve to be happy, and so does Chris. His last boyfriend was nothing but a mistake. Just don't hurt him." 

"I don't plan on it, Dee." I got up and smiled to her. "I'm going to bed. Goodnight, Dee." 

"Night Jamesie. Sweet dreams." 

"I plan on it. Especially tonight." I smiled and ran upstairs. 
8:32 am~ Chris- Good morning, James. 
8:45 am~ Chris- Wake up... I wanna take you for coffee 
9:23 am~ Chris- Did you die? 
9:45 am~ Chris- I will not hesitate to come over.
10:14 am~ Chris- Damn, you can sleep. 
10:49 am~ Chris- This is getting a little outta hand. 
10:50 am~ Chris- I'm coming over.
11:01 am~ Chris- Down the street. 

I chuckled as I looked at my phone, then the time. 11:05 am. I got up and made my way to brush my teeth so I didn't scare him away. There was a knock at the door, then I heard him and Dee talk. 

"That boy can sleep." Dee said. "He once slept 14 hours." 

"I got a little worried." Chris chuckled. I just listened from behind the wall. "Where is his cute ass anyway?" 

"Probably upstairs brushing his teeth. Or showering." 

I walked down the stairs. 

"Nearly afternoon." Chris said smiling. "How was your sleep?" 

"Just fine, thank you. I went to bed late." 

"Don't lie, hoe. It was like 11:30pm when you fell asleep, cause I went in your room." 

"Why did you come in my room?" I asked her. 

"Don't ask questions. Mind ya business." 

I just laughed and shook it off. 
"Get dressed, we are going for some coffee and maybe a little shopping." Chris said to me. "Yes Dee you can come." 


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