Chapter 13

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Chapter 13


Eric: I still can't believe she's dead bro, I mean I looked everywhere for her when I became a cop and I never found her........damn I just can't believe this

Raymond: It's going to be okay

Ava: Okay you guys I just got off the phone with Perry and she told us our victim has been several injuries to her vaginal area with some serious bruising, and if she didn't die from not getting hit by a car she would have died eventually because she had a tumor in her head the size of a football, and her serious lack of vitamin D indicate she hasn't seen the sun since she was kidnapped and the bruise pattern on her wrist indicates she been chained to something or tied up

James: Where do we go from here

Ava: She pulled some of the paint off and car fragments from the car off her body and I sent it to the crime lab to see if they could try and see what kind of car it was and the color maybe, so get down there..............Eva I want you to go to the parents house and retrace her steps before she went missing, Eric I need you to go in the jungle, the witness said it looks like that's where she was running from when she got hit and Raymond and I are coming with you

With that being said, we got our things together and left. We arrived in the jungle and we split up. As I was walking I started seeing a blood trail. I followed it and it led to a tree. I looked behind it to see a little girl sitting there crying holding a teddy bear. She asked was our victim coming back for her. She asked what happened to her mommy. I told her I was a police officer and she hugged me. I picked her up and I carried her to the car. I then called for the ambulance and I road with her. After the doctors examined her then she talked to Ava.

Natallya: Are you Ava I keep this picture in my teddy bear of you that my mommy gave me, she told me you were a good person and that if she never came back for me you would, all she ever talked about was you

Ava: Your mommy was my best friend in high school but I didn't know she had a kid

Natallya: Yeah I'm four

Ava: Sweetie, I gotta ask you some tough questions

Natallya: Okay

Ava: Do you know where you and your mommy was before you two ended up in the woods

Natallya: We were in jail somewhere in the woods underground I think

Ava: Can you describe the place

Natallya: There were little girls like me and girls like my mommy and these big men always used to hurt my mommy in front of me

Ava: These men ever hurt you

Natallya: No they said when I turn ten

Ava: How did you end up in the woods

Natallya: My mom chock this guy and he wasn't breathing, she told me squeeze through the cell and I did and then she squeeze threw and she put me on her back and I cover my eyes and we ended up at this tree and she told me don't move but I did when I heard someone coming and I cut my elbow and I just stayed behind the tree

Ava talked with her a little longer and after that we left because the little girl began to cry hysterically. She's been through a lot and those were enough questions for the day. After returning to headquarters we still did some digging but was turning up empty handed. I told everyone we resume tomorrow and we went home. Once my kid was asleep Ava and I got settled in our bedroom. I could tell by the expression on her face that something was up.

Raymond: Talk to me honey what's wrong

Ava: My best friend is dead and her daughter doesn't have a family and she's going into the system

Raymond: There is something you can do

Ava: What's that

Raymond: Adopt her, it was written all over your face in the hospital and this what your friend would have wanted

Ava: I want to but what if I'm not a good mom

Raymond: Stop the bullshit, my son loves you, your nephew eyes light up every time he sees you come and Shakayla more happy to see you than her own mother, you would be great mom and I think you should go for it, besides you always said you wanted children here's your opportunity

Ava: By wanting children I mean I always wanted to carry a child of my own again but that's never going to happen

Raymond: I can't tell you what to do but I think you would be a great mom to this little girl

Author Message

Thanks for reading everyone and hope you enjoyed the chapter and enjoying the story so far. Don't forget to vote and comment and stay tuned everyone

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