Chapter 11

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Chapter 11


Shakayla: Aunty Ava why are you always eating

Eva: That's all she ever do is eat

Ava: Eating is fun

Shakayla: Mommy says you got something called a tummy tuck when you was eighteen what's that

Ava: You know what sweetie say my exact words tell your mother she can kiss my ass I just gave you permission to curse go tell her what I said

Eva: Now that she's gone why you never told me you had a tummy tuck

Ava: Because I didn't

Eva: But you were thick as hell before and spring break you went away for a while and came back losing weight you be thin ever since how is that

Ava:....................Dad sent me to fat camp and it was a whole two weeks of eating healthy organic food and nonstop exercising and videos of where meat comes from and how it was made, when I came back I decided to take better care of myself now the only thing on that's fat is my ass

Eva: An those big ass thighs

She gave me a look and I just laughed at her. After a minute went by she started laughing with me. She can't take me seriously even if she wanted too. After we laughed Makayla and her daughter entered the room and joined us on the couch. We continued to tease her about her bad eating habits and her weight. But she doesn't mind at all. Ava not fat like she was before. Now she just has a huge ass and some thick thighs and huge breast to top it off. I know Raymond is happy about that. Me on the other hand, I'm skinny with a small ass and medium size breast. I used to be ashamed of my body and wanted to be like Ava. After she left for the military and I started dating Eric, he made me feel comfortable in my own skin. I used to think one day he dump me for a thick girl but he couldn't be any happier and loves my body just the way it is. He made me feel beautiful when I wasn't happy with myself. I got happy thinking about him and I told everyone I'm going home. When I got there I found Eric talking to our son about how to be a man. My little man seen me and started clapping his hands and smiling. We spent a little quality time together then I put him down for a nap. After that I went back to Eric who was sitting on the couch watching a video on his phone. I took it out of his hands and got on top of him. I started kissing him intensely and he kissed me back the same way. He asked did I want to have another baby and I told him hell yeah. With that being said he picked me up and carried me upstairs to the the bedroom where we made love.

Author Message

Thanks for reading everyone and hope you enjoyed the chapter and enjoying the story so far. Don't forget to vote and comment and stay tuned everyone

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