Chapter One- Sissy..

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Chris' Point of View- 

"Deedee, you need to just let him go honey." I said while closing my fridge with my foot. "Sis, he is a dead beat, ass wipe, good for nothing, fuck boy. Why are you crying over him? Especially when he ain't shedding a single tear over you. It is the harsh truth, and I am sorry but this the third time-" 

"F-fourth." She sobbed out. 

"Exactly." I sighed. "Why don't you come over? I will make your favorite meal, I have some ice cream that needs to be eaten, and I might have some chocolate. We can talk about how dumb boys are." 

"Chris, you are a boy." 

"Shut up." I said with a chuckle. "come over."

"I'm okay. I think I am gonna go to bed." She said softly. Her sniffle and loud breath echoed after her. 

"Sleep well. Do not text him, Dee." I said clearly knowing she probably won't listen and he will sell her the same sob story about how he changed and only wants her. Just to turn around and cheat and make her look like a fool. "Don't." 

"Goodnight, bubba." 

"Night sissy." 

I set my cell down and made myself the fruit salad that I was, and still am, craving before my sis called crying about Trevor. I'm gonna have to pay his ass a visit. I would've before if Dee hadn't begged me not to because he was the love of her life. I've had enough. 

I was a 6'2", built, 22 year old guy. I was intimidating. Of course I wasn't mean or anything, even though I don't want to admit it, I can be a teddy bear sometimes. To the ones I love. I would move mountains and swim oceans for the people I care about. That's just what I do. 

Tomorrow I was going to see my sister. I always do the day after it happens. 
Time skip to tomorrow morning

You know when you are having the best dream? Like you can't wait to see how it ends.. then the devil wakes you up with loud ass beeps, as if to say a big FUCK YOU every morning? 

Yeah me too. 

I slammed my hand down on the button and groaned loudly. Stretching, I wiped the sleep from my eyes along with the annoying crusties everyone gets. 

I picked up my phone and checked all my messages. 

Sissy D- Hey.. Coffee @11?
Sissy D- Bub? 
Sissy D- Wake your old ass up. 
Sissy D- I'm on my way over. 

Me- The door is unlocked. And I'm not old 

I got up and cut on the shower. I let the warm water run over me, soothing all my stress. It has been over a year. A year since that door had been opened. A year since his voice calling out "Daddy" was being echoed through the house. A year since it wasn't me he was screaming it to. A year since I kicked him out. A year since I lost control. A year since the walls were covered with holes. A lonely ass year. 


"I'M IN THE SHOWER! I'LL BE OUT IN A SECOND!" I yelled back. I finish, scrubbing everywhere. 

I dress quickly in just jeans and a shirt. 

"Good morning, sis." I say kissing her head and giving her a hug. 

"Good morning, bub. Ready?" 

Her and I used to not be so close. Growing up, it was different. Dee was adopted when I was 8. My parents couldn't have more kids, but they always wanted a girl. I was jealous because for 8 years, I was #1. I quickly got used to her, and we have been best friends ever since we were both teenagers. She is 20. So 2 years younger but yeah. 

We went to our favorite coffee shop that was a few miles from my apartment. 
"So, where is at these days?" I asked taking a swig of my black coffee. 

She just rolled her eyes. 
"Not saying. You will hurt him." 

"Hell yeah I will Dee. Just like he hurts you. Just like he deserves." I shrugged. "If you don't tell him, I will find out." 

"You are creepily good at knowing where people are." 

"I have people." 

"Out by Harmens. He hangs out with Dre there, smoke weed and shit." She sips her iced beverage. "Just don't hurt him." 

"I'm not going to promise anything." I shrugged. "He should've gotten it four times ago." 

"He isn't that bad of a perso-" 

"Dee!" I yelled.

"You went back to him, Chris! I saw the texts!" 

"One time! In a desperate hour! I shot him a text!" I said loudly, drawing looks toward our corner table. I quieted down. "One time. Not 4." 

"Maybe you are just smarter than me." 

"No, I'm just stronger." I said then let out a sigh. "Sis, you have to move on. You can't live your life like this. I'm not supporting you on this."

"I know.. he is all I know though. He is the only boyfriend I have ever had. I was 14 when I met him." 

"6 years of torture. Let's not make it a lifetime." 

"Enough of my love life, what about yours?" She asked. 

"Still non existent. Just haven't met him." 

"Do you want to?" 

"What?" I asked. 

"I know a guy. One of my close friends. He is into what you are. Super sweet. Adorable as can be. Shy, but in a good way. And he is single. He wants to meet you." 


"Please? Not every one is a B-" 


"Not everyone is him.. just please." She pleaded. 


"Great. Here." She snatched my phone and put his name in there. "James." 


"His full name is jameson. But james. Just call him James." She laughed as if something was funny. 

"Fine. But if this doesn't go well, it is on you. In the mean time, I am going to kick Trevor's ass." I smiled. 


I took her home and said goodbye then when to Harmens. 
"Trevor." I got out of my truck. "The fuck you think you are doing hurting her, Huh?!" 

"Yo, you betta chill the fuck out." He stepped up. 

"You are a good for nothing street thug! And all your bitches just hookers." I spat angrily. 

"Still making more than you will!" 

We were just screaming at each other, until he threw the first punch. I was done after that. I threw punch after punch back. Only getting a few in return. He talked all this stuff and can't back it up. Finally one of the nearby watchers pulled me back when he stopped fighting back. 

"Alright! Alright, man!" They yelled. "He's out. You good." 

I shrugged him off of me. 
"Tell him I said to stay the hell away from my sister." I got in my truck and peeled out. Nobody fucks with my baby sis. 

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