RIP to Parkland Victims

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Remember these names. Don't remember the shooter. The beautiful people lost their lives way too soon and it's not fair. I have many opinions on what needs to be done but I'm not going to say them here. BUT, I know there are some teenage readers here so please, listen up! Educate yourselves! Look up ways to protect yourself if you were ever in an emergency. I wish this we're not an issue and you could all go to school worry free but unfortunately, that is not the case. I am going to send my son to school with as much knowledge about protection as possible. He's going to be starting self defense classes in a couple weeks among other things. So Google ways to protect yourself during a shooting. Everyone should look this up as it can happen anywhere. If you see or hear anyone show any interest in doing a shooting, report them ASAP.

While in school, be nice to everyone and stick up for people getting bullied. Try to make everyone fit in and just ask someone who is depressed if they are okay. You never know what is going on in someone's life. You could save their life just by being nice to someone. There are many instances where people are nice to someone the same day that they planned a suicide and they decided not to go through with it. If you are getting bullied, please don't sit back and let the bullies get away with it. Talk to an adult that you trust. Learn how to defend yourself. You are so much more beautiful and special thanks the bully. Maybe the bully is doing it for attention or has problems at home that they can't deal with so they bully innocent people. Try to befriend then because maybe that's what they need!

If your school doesn't have drills to practice what to do in case of a shooter, stand up for yourselves and talk to your parents about setting up a meeting with the school to talk about it. If your school also does not have good security, set up a meeting to talk about upping the security.

A lot of people forget the shootings after a couple weeks but don't be those people. Hopefully something will be done here to put a stop to these shootings but until then, stay safe! Don't let fear live your life. I have very bad anxiety and I've been having panic attacks a lot in the last couple days. But I'm still trying so hard to not be afraid.

Remember the beautiful people in the photos who can't be hugged and kissed by their families tonight. Remember the families and friends who won't get to see their loved ones anymore. Let's hope for those that survived who will now have PTSD or severe anxiety. I have been thinking about these people along with people from other shootings daily. I don't write something about every shooting because I would have many parts to this story. I wrote something for this one because I want you all to stay safe and look up ways to protect yourselves.

Much love guys! ❤️



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