T H I R T Y - E I G H T

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Summer had arrived quickly, Hanji working two jobs to help pay bills and rent. The couple hardly had time to be with one another, until the day arrived.

"Hanji, please hurry up!" Levi urged his girlfriend as she put on her shoe.

She sighed, "Levi, it's honestly no big deal. It's just a regular exam."

"Tch, I know, but I'm also getting examined! So let's go." He grabbed her hand, intertwining their fingers together as he locked the door.

Hanji wouldn't shut up about their appointment and about their upcoming one year anniversary. She was excited to say the least, they both were. It's been nearly a year since Hanji had given up smoking, that was an accomplishment in itself.

But it wasn't easy. There's been nights where Hanji had woken up in the middle of the night in cold sweat, itching for a cigarette while Levi suggested healthy options. Levi knew it wouldn't be easy, but he was gonna be there for her.

Time had stretched, they could talk for hours on end about anything and everything. Although the couple had decided to sit, dread, in silence. Probably wasn't the best option, but they didn't want to talk about the what if's.

"Levi Ackerman." The nurse called, clipboard and cup in hand, "Uh, you're not here to donate, are you?"

"Why would that be any of your business?" He asked.

"Well, it's kind of an unspoken rule, but there is a height requirement."

Levi snatched the cup and magazine, "Tch, shut up. It's not for me, it's for the brunette four eyed woman."

Hanji waved at them with a grin, "That'd be me! If we had kids, they'd be normal height."


Levi exited out of the room in disgust as he handed the nurse his cup, "I hate it here."

"That was fun, wasn't it?" Hanji smiled at Levi as they exited out of the office, the visit taking almost an hour.

Levi's visit taking him almost half the hour since he hated "handling" himself. While he had worked up the courage, Hanji chatted off almost every patients and doctors ears off, making jokes about her boyfriends refusal to masturbate.

"Tch, how long until we get the damn results back?"

"Two weeks."

"This is going to be hell, isn't it? Is this how you felt?"

"No, mine took months because the author forgot to write it in earlier."




Two weeks had never dragged so slowly, and it didn't help that Levi and Hanji were on opposite schedules. While Levi slept, Hanji was
at work during the nights, working herself to the bone to pay for doctor visits and bills. And maybe set some money aside to get Levi a gift.

And the days where Hanji slept from working late nights to the early dawn, Levi set up shop and worked till before sunset. It had felt like forever since the couple had actually been alone together, but for that day that was soon to come, they would at least spend it together.

They hope, but while Hanji was pessimistic, Levi was there to relieve her worries as they set foot into their doctors room.

"It's the low sperm count for me!"

"Hanji." Dr. Brzenska warned, "Mr. Ackerman, as Hanji said, your sperm count is low. There are treatments we can do to higher it, or if pregnancy is your ultimate goal, we can offer assisted reproductive technology."

The brunette grabbed her partners hand, "We are trying now. What would you recommend?"

Dr. Brzenska lifted her glasses, "You're both young, so I see no reason as to why not try naturally. If after a year, you see no results, I'd recommend using assisted reproductive technology."

"And if nothing works?"

"Well." The doctor sighed, "If kids are really what you want, I'd advocate for adoption or surrogacy. But I don't want you both riding everything on this, it'll be heartbreaking and tiring."

Hanji turned to Levi, a smile on her face, "If his sperm doesn't work, we'll definitely look into adoption. It's one of our first options after raw-"


"Sorry, after conceiving naturally." She cleared her throat, "Thank you, Dr. Brzenska."

They had stayed silent the entire ride home, but Hanji never did like the silence. But she knew something that would be louder than silence, and that was music.

The newest song to be exact. The one she had been obsessing over. She had grabbed the aux cord and went through her phone with a shit eating grin on her face.

"Oi, four-eyes! Don't do it!"

"Gobble me, swallow me-"

But her singing was interrupted as the man pulled into the nearest parking lot and turned the car off. Staring at her with raised eyebrows as if to tell her that she shouldn't mess with him.

"Jokes on you, I know it by heart."

"No, no, no, fuck off, fuck off, fuck off!" Levi groaned as he turned the keys and the engine roared to life. Making sure to speed home as the song blared from the car, teenagers honking their horns and elders sending disapproving looks.

Even through their little disagreements and Hanji's tik tok addiction, they still loved each other. As the pair got home, Hanji crashed on the couch and laid down. Levi went to check on her as she seemed fine earlier, there was nothing off about her. He leaned down and gave her a kiss and went to start lunch, nothing fancy, just something quick.

As the tv turned on with Grey's Anatomy playing in the background, he heard a sniffle. His head lifted up instinctively and turned to face his girlfriend, she looked sad. Her hands reaching out for the blanket covering the couch to wrap herself in.

"Hanji?" He called out to her, appearing by her side in a flash.

"I'm sorry Levi." She cried, face planting into his chest, "I'm sorry for insulting your sperm count. And I'm sorry for having a uterus that no one wants to live in. Not even my eggs want to live in it!"

"I'm not sure if that's-"

"I'm smart, I know that's not right. Shut up and let me cry, you gremlin."

They laid in silence as shouting could be heard from the tv and Hanji's sobs came to a silence. Nothing could disrupt them, Hanji felt safe in his arms as she could fall asleep. Today was in between, not bad and not good.

They had spent the day together, but received disheartening news. But at least they had each other. Hanji picked her head up to notice Levi looking down at her, "Let's keep trying, we're both young. What could go wrong?"

"Is this what you want?"

"With you? More than anything." She confirmed as she leaned up and connected their lips.

A/N: There's like two more chapters left🥴🥴Anyways I'm sorry for doing this to y'all with my tiktok references. In a year from now, when we look back on this, we will all cringe. And I think that's beautiful😌

Published: 12/19/2020
Word Count: 1,184 words

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