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"Hanji! Come on, we're going to be late!" I called for her again as I grabbed her bag, she appeared from the bathroom with a bright smile on her face. Her hands tucked under her shirt as she applied the deodorant I reminded her so many times about.

"Good morning, Levi! Any shifts tonight?"

"Just the one, I'll be back around midnight. Now can we go?" I asked her as I ushered her out of the door. Grabbing her jacket since she clearly forgot it. The brunette took out a cigarette once we got into the elevator, I sighed and snatched it from her mouth. She shrugged and took another out, placing it between her plump, pink lips.

"Seriously?" I snapped as I, once again, took it from between her lips.

"Wow, this is like the worst game ever." She mumbled sarcastically.

I pinched the bridge of my nose, "You've been in high school, you teach a chemistry class. Don't you know by now that cigarettes are dangerous to you and everyone else around you?"

"Yes, Levi." She sighed before continuing on, "Besides, I haven't been smoking long."

"I mean what the hell Shittyglasses? What if you decide to have kids one day? You'll be smoking when you're pregnant, therefore, they'll have asthma. Don't you want them to be healthy?" I lectured as she rolled her eyes, her lips tugging up into a smile.

"I've only been smoking for a week, and for the children thing: I'm only twenty-two, I have plenty of time for that. Meanwhile you, you're twenty-three! You're getting old!"

"I'm only a year older than you Hanji." I groaned as we stepped out of the building, Hanji getting into the passenger side of my jeep wrangler.

It was quiet for a bit until the brunette spoke up, "Hey Levi?"

I hummed in response as I kept an eye on the stoplight. My hand leaving the wheel momentarily to turn my indicator on.

"Would you ever want kids? I mean, in general? No offense but you certainly don't seem like the type to want kids."

I glanced at her before the car behind me started honking. Before I knew it, Hanji had her head out the window yelling about how the light had just turned green. I stepped on the gas before she was about to fight the person behind us as she faced me, "Well? Are you gonna answer or not?"

"Well, I do take offense to it and yes, I do want kids. Someday, before I'm thirty at least."

She had hummed thoughtfully in response before hooking her phone up the bluetooth, "Kiwi" by Harry Styles had started playing. Hanji singing along as her energy had suddenly returned, the thick tension drifting away quickly.

I shook my head as I begun to pull into the school's parking lot, "Don't forget, I have a doctor's appointment at twelve o' clock. You'll have to pick me up."

"Yeah, yeah, what's it for?"

"My gynecologist." She bluntly responded.

"Oh god, Four-eyes, seriously? You could've asked me if I wanted to know first." I waved my hand at her as if the movements could make her last sentence drift away from the atmosphere.

"Okay, okay. Do you really wanna know?" She broke out into a fit of laughter before I dropped my head on the steering wheel, groaning in response.

"You bring girls into the apartment once a month, you shouldn't be disgusted by this shit."

"I'm not disgusted Four-eyes, it's awkward for me. Because up until now, I had always thought it was just a normal check-up, like just checking your heartbeat and beating your knees. Shit like that. Now I know that my best friend gets those kinds of check-ups."

Hanji just laughed in response as she shut my door, her fingers reaching into my hand to accept the breath mint I offered her. She shook her head, her damp brown locks swinging wildly as she went inside the school. I shifted the car into drive once she was out of sight, my eyes drifted down the passenger seat. The dumbass forgot her coat, yet again.

Instagram: levihansociety
Published: 12.16.2017
Word Count: 705 words

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