The Past

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Dean had sounded just as confused as I had been. He questioned me, but I shook it off and soon allowed him to finish his rant. We were back at the cabin, researching. I had pushed his words to the back of my brain, trying my best to focus on the case. A man had reported seeing another man evaporate before his own eyes. We were assuming it had been a demon, but we could never be too sure.

Sam and Dean had gone out to work the case, I informed them I was going to be on red alert but I wasn't feeling great. I collapsed onto my bed. Staring at the ceiling, humming softly to myself. My mind had been a fuzzy mess all day. Being able to lay down and relax for the day was nice. "Will you still love me, when I'm no longer young, and beautiful-"

The song ran through my head and the lyrics rolled off my tongue so smoothly. As I hummed I brought myself to stand.

"Will you still love me, when I've got nothing but my aching soul-"

I crouched in front of my duffel, bringing out a picture frame that consisted of a photo of my mother, my baby sister, and myself. Reaching behind me I grabbed a half-empty beer bottle from the previous night. Taking a swig as I grabbed a photo book from my bag. Fingering through the pages with a small, broken smile on my lips.

"I know you will, I know you will, I know that you will-"

Tears pricked my E/C eyes, as I chugged down the rest of the beer. Staring at the photos in silence at this point. The song faded away, the stuffy warm air faded away. It was silent, all I could feel was the pain of loss. The sound of wing's fluttering brought me out of my tear soaked daze. "Y/N, where are Sam and Dean..?" Cas' voice echoed throughout the silent cabin. I wiped at my eyes, a light sniff erupting from my nose as I did this. Glancing over at the angel, I watched as his eyes scanned my tear-stained features. My chubby face a bright red as I began to speak, "Um, the boys are working the case. " I mutter softly. Shoving the photos back into my duffel.

"You were crying." He states matter of factly. "Why?" I hear him ask, I glance back and shrug. "Does it really matter,"? My voice was still evidently shaky. I watched as a hand reached towards my chin, the rough callused skin making contact with my soft and warm skin. "Because Dean cares about you, Sam cares about you." He paused his eyebrow's furrowing and his head tilting like it always did. "I..I care for you Y/N" He muttered softly. His soft yet slightly chapped lips made their way to mine. I didn't freeze or hesitate, I kissed him back. Feeling his arms wrap around my waist as he pulled me closer. A blush spreading across my cheeks as I wrap my own around his shoulders. Myself jolting back from Cas in a quick movement as I heard the door slam open, backing up from Cas and kicking my duffel under the bed. "Um...Cas can you go invisible girl and-" I'm cut off by the sound of flapping wings. Dean pushing my door open and smiling, his face smeared with dirt and bits of blood. Sam walking in after him with hair in knots. "Hello, boys..." I mutter with tears still evident on my cheeks, as well as a deep blush. Deans eyes trailing over my face, Sams as well. But neither of them taking initiative. "How ya' feeling?" Dean asked. "Um, I'm better. Yeah, I took a shower and took some medicine." I mutter. "And the hunt?" I ask lightly. Sam responds this time. "A demon 'clan', we whiped them out. Ruby helped" It looked like Dean was preparing himself to talk before but Sam had cut him off. I brush it off as nothing before I seat myself on my bed. "Dope!" I exclaim as I smile faintly. The two walk out to grab grub. I smile faintly and look down as I begin to play with my shirt. My mind moving back to the kiss, my smile growing as I grab my phone and turn the volume up all the way before selecting the song Twist and Shout by the Beatles, jumping up from my seat and beginning to dance around my room. Screaming the lyrics as loudly as possible. "Oh, Shake it up baby now! Twist and shout!" My feat moving their way around the room as I dance awkwardly. Laughing light-heartedly as I fall back onto the bed. "Oh god...Cas...Jesus I might love you." I say, unaware that the Angel was standing behind the cracked door. "Y/N.." His dark and small voice overpowering the music. I yell out in fear and reach for my gun under my bed, firing at the wooden wall shielding Cas. The other glancing at me with a blush on his cheeks, smirking in a way Dean had so obviously taught him. I blush a dark red, scrambling to shut off my music. "U-Um..Cas! Hey buddy..." I stutter out shakily. Looking up at him, his tall figure standing over my small one. "Y/N...I think I might love you as well.." He whispered softly, his shaky and gruff voice echoing in the room. I freeze, my cheeks a bright red as I push myself up on my tip-toes, slamming my mouth against his. The kiss was different than the previous kisses, it was passionate and slightly rough. As  I pulled him closer to me I felt him slowly pressing me down onto my bed. We both continued the kiss, his trenchcoat falling over his sides and tickling my stomach. As we lied there the sound of our beating hearts together overpowered the sound of Sam and Deans booming voice moving towards my room. Castiel's fingers move their way through my hair, him pulling back slowly and emotionlessly as I jump harshly when the words, "What the hell?!" exploded throughout the bedroom. 


Authors Note- 

Wassup you guyyyss. I know this is late, but whatever. What kind of reactions should Sam/Dean have??

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2018 ⏰

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