Nightmare Dressed As A Daydream

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Y/N P.O.V))

It was a cold, dreary night. The light sound of rain pit pattering on the tin roof above me echoed throughout the room. As my eyes ever so slightly drooped, slowly drifting out of consciousness. The moonlight seeping through my curtains. My eyes were dry and reddened by the amount of tears I had spilled that night. It was 4 am. I hadn't slept in 1 week, and it was getting to me. The loss of my mother had taken such a large toll on my emotions. My eating patterns had been all over the place. I was alone, and scared. I knew so many people I could reach out to, I had a great amount of hunters in my phone, and on my moms phone. As much as I craved other human interaction, my body refused to move. My face was tear stained, and my eyes bloodshot. I was sitting there, in silence. The sound of my ringtone causing me to jump, my hand shakily reaching out and answering. As I did so, I whispered out the word "Hello," My voice raspy from the amount of crying I had previously done. "Y/N, where the hell are you?" I heard a loud and worrisome voice on the other end of the line. Dean. "Home," I whisper into the phone, my entire body trembling. As I say this I hear mumbles and yells on the other end. "We're sending Cas to come use his angel crap to zap you to our place,". As he says this the other appears in front of me, Dean hanging up on the other side. As the angel looks at me straight faced. "You look like a mess.." He muttered as he adjusted his stance. My eyes drifted the other way as I grabbed a nearby emergency duffel bag filled with clothing and my personal items. As I wrapped it onto my shoulder I walked towards the silent angel. Watching as his hand reaches over and wrapped around my shoulder, a white flash of light hitting my eyes as I was suddenly placed at a hotel room. The other walked to the table and sat down in silence as I lied down my things on the floor, pulling a small blanket from my bag as I lied down on the floor. Turning my back as the other left, obviously disinterested. I felt at peace, which was odd in my place. As I closed my eyes, I could finally feel myself falling asleep. Hearing a door open behind me as the voices of Sam and Dean winchester neared, "Thanks Cas, she's been through enough,".

As I awoke, I groaned lightly at the sound of music and talking. I slowly rose from the hard floor. My back aching as I rubbed my eyes, wincing as I touched the rough cheeks that had been stained by tears. As I looked up, the sun rays hit my eyes. "Look who's up.." I heard what sounded like the voice of Dean muttering. I opened my eyes to be greeted with the sight of Sam and Dean. "Hey Y/N," Sam muttered as he sat on the bed to my side, Dean seating himself on the other side of me in a chair. "Hey," I stuttered out, my voice still raspy. "Jesus, you sound like crap," Dean spoke up from the side of me. "Thanks asshat," I mutter as I reach into my bag to grab a brush. "If it makes you feel better, we're gonna try to go after the thing that got your mom.." Sam muttered. As he spoke I snapped my head up, "Hell no, that thing was dangerous. I don't care how macho you think you two are, I am not gonna lose the only people I have," I scold with a hint of anger. Dean's eyes drifted towards Sam as the two met. I bring myself up from the floor, turning and walking out the door before I could hear either of them talking. I knew one of them would be 'assigned' to go after me. So I placed myself at the side of the building and sat in silence, tears falling down my cheeks. A light sob escaping my lips as I rub at my face with my arms. "Y/N

..?" I heard Sam's voice echo out, "You okay?" he questioned lightly. "No..why would I be? My entire families dead. So yeah, no I am peachy,". As I say this, he walks closer, seating next to me on the ground as he wrapped an arm around my shoulders. "Look, I know how you feel. I lost my mom, Jess, and dad. I completely understand. I know how it feels to want revenge, and I know how it must feel to be scared. But we're here for you, even if you don't want us to be, we're here. I'm just letting you know, that you're not alone." His words echoed in my brain. I wiped away my tears and reached up to hug the other. Feeling awkward atmosphere as I did so, I soon enough received a hug back from the other. My chest pounded as I soon enough relaxed into his embrace.

A/N: Thank you so much for reading. I truly and deeply appreciate it. This writing is a small bit all over the place, but it's 4 am and I'm cold and hungry. Comment and follow I guess? :)

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