The Pizza Man

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July 18th 2009

Y/N's P.O.V

I rested my feet against the table in front of me. It was July, I had no air conditioning, and I was hot as all hell. A loud groan erupting from my throat caught the attention of the angel sitting across from me. His eyes narrowing in confusion as I brought myself to stand. "Cas, do you sweat?" I questioned out of boredom, the angel slowly rising with me. "My vessel Jimmy sweats in nerving situations, while me as an angel; outside of my vessel, do not sweat,". As his words roamed freely in the air, they flew into one ear, and out the other. My mind elsewhere. Over the year, I had developed feelings for the angel. I know, its weird because I'm 20 and he's like a bazillion years old. Way out of my league, not to mention he seemingly lacks the quality known as, being human. But, the heart want's what it want's. I had been silent for longer then 5 minutes and the male had taken notice, "You're being quiet.." He stated. I let my eyes drift upwards to meet his own, taking in the shades of blue. "So..?," I question him in a matter of fact tone. "You're typically very talkative, especially towards me. Which I still cant comprehend," He muttered in a gruff tone. I shrug lightly and turn, my face a light pink. I opened my mouth to speak before being interrupted by the sound of the door slamming open, Sam and Dean's loud voices echoing throughout the room. I turn on my heels and rub my hands together in a curious way, ready to hear their info on the current case we had been working on. "What'd ya got?" I ask out of curiosity as the Sam speaks above Dean, "So get this, that demon we were eyeing? Is actually working with Lilith, Ruby says that she thinks she might be able to get a lead on where the demon is." Dean's face seemed to drag at the thought of Ruby, it was obvious he still didn't trust her, but neither did I. My head drags downwards as I nod hesitantly, "Good, that's good Sam." I speak up, a smile resting on my tinted cheeks. 

Soon enough, Dean was reading through books as Sam worked with his computer. I on the other hand, walked around outside, the cabin we had been stationed inside was hot and stuffy, both adjectives I didn't seem to care for. As I walked around I began to admire the scenery, it was a forest area, filled with trees, and the sound of birds. I watched as two squirrels chased each other up a nearby Pine Tree. I brought myself to a stop when I began to sweat again, deciding to seat myself on a nearby log that had fallen from what seemed like a lightning strike. I closed my eyes and allowed my imagination to wander, a small smile covering my lips. I sat for a while, enjoying the air, the sound of Castiel's voice interrupting my peace. I jumped from the moss covered log, falling into the loose leaves and dirt on the ground. "Hello Y/N," I hear the voice echo throughout the forest, it was almost as if it was hollow. "Jesus Cas, stop doing that it scares the crap out of me." I mutter as I bring myself to stand, brushing the brown dust off of my tightened Jeans. Glancing up at the other with a light blush, I hadn't noticed how messy his hair really was until recently, being an angel, there's no reason to care about hygiene, but it was peculiar how it seemed to stick to his forehead in just the right way. His eyes seemed to narrow in a questioning way as I cleared my throat, forcing myself to speak up. "Um, What's up?" I question softly as he brings himself up on his heels, he was significantly taller than I was, then again, he was short compared to Sam. "I have a question," He spoke up, his voice was almost like ice, smooth, thick, yet rugged at the same time. I raised an eyebrow and he cleared his throat, "I couldn't bring myself to bother the brothers with it, but how do you 'know' when you have feelings for a human..?" He questioned lightly. My face turned dark red as I rubbed at my hands, my nerves hitting me as I began to speak. "Well..Your stomach feels funny, a well known fact is that your eyes tend to dilate when you see someone you feel greatly for...but it could be wrong. Um, you seem to take in everyone part of that person, almost as if your cherishing them while you have them. You can imagine life without them.." I murmur the last part as my eyes stay in contact with his own ocean blue eyes. I watched as his hands slowly reached for my face, a blush resting on my own cheeks as I feel a pair of lips on mine, the kiss was gentle, sweet. I slowly began to respond, pulling away after a minute or two, my face red and eyes wide. "What was that..?" I question lightly, my hands trembling under his touch. "I..learned that from the Pizzaman." his words echoed in my mind as he disappeared, the sound of wings 'wooshing' as I blink, groaning aloud. "Son of a bit-" I began to curse, my voice loud, interrupted by Deans. "Y/N..? You okay?," he questioned, a light blush fading from my neck to my face as I turn to face him. "F-Fine! Perfectly fine, just..frustrated with the cell reception out here.." I mutter lightly. I begin to hear the other drone on about their case and how he doesn't necessarily care for Ruby. But I wasn't listening, my mind was elsewhere. I was focused on Castiel and his previous words, my cheeks bright pink. I was lost in my own thoughts,

"Then Sam said that Ruby--," I interrupted him, "Hey Dean, what the hell is the Pizzaman?" I question him. 

A/N- OKIE DOKIE, Comment any tips, or how you want this to further go. Love interests could change, idk, I go the way the readers want me to. Anyways, thanks for reading. 

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