Power Rangers Samurai Chapter 1: Origins PT:1

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        Centuries ago in Japan, Nighlock monsters invaded our world. But samurai warriors defeated them with symbols, passed down from parent to child. Today the evil Nighlock have risen once again and plan to flood the Earth. Luckily, a new generation of heroes stands in their way.

They are the Power Rangers Samurai!!


*Third Person's POV*

A little boy was playing hide and seek with his friends.

"47...48...49...50! Ready or not here I come" The boy said uncovering his eyes and went to look for his friends

He walked down an alleyway and he looked between some boxes and a crack in the wall.

"Brian? Jimmy? Where are you guys?" he said

He then saw a red light come from the large crack


  A gap is an entrance and exit between the netherworld and ours. Do not peek in, for on the other side is the home of the evil Nighlock.


Suddenly moogers popped out of the crack and the boy fell to the ground scared.

Then, a red and black object, which is a miniature lion that has a pentagon shape, it attacked the moogers then returned to the guy in the red suit.

Mentor Ji runs to the kid then picks him up and pulls him behind the ranger and said" Run! Get away from here!"

"Look before you Moogers, This is the 18th leader of the Samurai Power Rangers, Descendant of the man who destroyed your masters years ago...
You have two choices...
Retreat now or become rust on his blade" mentor said

"Don't bother, I want them to retreat, I want to take them for a spin!" Jayden said

Then he attacked the moogers. He then used his weapon, the fire smasher while saying" Time to turn up the heat" he said. After that he destroyed them all.
!!(Play Theme Song at the top)!!
-Third person's POV-

*Jayden demorphed*

"Wonderful.. I'm so proud that the boy that I've devoted my life to train has grown to be a master samurai and is ready to lead others into battle" Mentor said happily but seriously

"But, I'm used to fighting alone, I don't want to put anyone else in danger" Jayden explained

"Jayden, The Nighlok attacks are escalating.. More and more of them are coming across to do their evil-" Mentor Ji said

"Sure, if anymore moogers dare pay us a visit, they'll get a taste of my spin sword" Jayden said

"Jayden.. Do not under estimate the power of Master Xandred if he awakens... His nighlock legions are too much for one person, even one as strong as you.. Teams of Samurai have battled this evil for centuries." Mentor told him

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