Chapter 3 Gerard's P.O.V.

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Gerard's P.O.V.

I sat on the couch watching Mikey play his favorite new video game, Bioshock. Boring! Who wants to sit around all day and watch their little brother play some stupid video game where you have to kill splicers? In my opinion when you have to take the Eve and Adam it makes you look like a meth head... Just saying. You're not saying you're thinking.Okay just thinking. Now You're talking to yourself. SHUT UP SELF!!!

The door slowly creaked opened and I glanced at the clock groaning. Who's coming here at 11 at night? As soon as I saw Headmaster Iero's face I stopped groaning.

"Boys this is your new roommate Maycee," he said walking in with a girl folowing behind him. She was beautiful. She had long, dark hair that went to the bottom of her rib cage and short bangs that just barely covered the top of her eyes. Her eyes. She had the most beautiful eyes. They were a beautiful, deep, ice blue that I could just get lost in.

The headmaster turned to the girl. "Maycee you will be rooming in here with Gerard and Mike because they are two of my best behaved students and I don't want you sharing a single room with one boy." He faced us again,  "and just so everyone in here knows later this year you may have another room mate since you have four beds. You may organize it as you wish." and then he was gone.

"Hi," she whispered. She must be shy. Aw just like Mikey. "I'm Maycee."

"So we heard," I said rudely. Damn, I knew I would mess this up.

Mikey gave me a look before looking back to Maycee. "I'm M-mikey and this is my brother Gerard," he stated. I stared at him in shock. Did he just talk to someone he doesn't know?? And a GIRL at that!

"What happened to the shy kid that is my brother?" I retorted.

He looked down and I instantly felt bad. "I'm not that shy," he mumbled, "and it's just one person."

"Moment of courage gone," I said smirking. Damn! What is it with me when I'm around beautiful girls?

"Yeah, because of you," Maycee interjected and we looked at her... Maybe not so shy after all. "He was plenty confident until you went and commented on his shyness. I never would have known he was shy."

"stay out of this you don't even know us." he snapped, glaring at her.

"Sorry I'm really tired and cranky." she apologised. "Where can I sleep?"

Mikey looked at me and I scowled at the ground knowing exactly where she'll have to sleep, "The bed in my  room is full of stuff and both of us have way too much crap to move in one day so you'll have to stay in Gerard's room." he said quietly.

"There's only two rooms?" she asked

"Yeah. Most of the doorms here have one bedroom with two beds but when they were building they accidently made this one double the size. The headmaster usually gives it to the best behaved. Which is very few at this school."

"That's right this is a school for delinquents."

"Yeah so why you here?" I snapped rudely. "This is a boy's school." Shut up Gerard! Just stop talking to her.

She sighed. "I was framed for a murder. The court found me innocent for insuficent evidence but my parents think I killed him. I have no idea why I'm at a boys school. My mom said it was the only school that would take me with the charges I have so I guess they made an exception."  Wow. That's pretty bad, "what are you doing here?"


"Don't tell her Mikey. It's not her buisness." I interupted before he could tell her.

"She told us," he protested.

"It's ok Mikey," she said yawning. She looked really cute yawning.  "I just want to go to bed." she glanced down the hallway. "Which one is yours, Gerard." I pointed to my room. She mumbled a thanks and went to bed.

Mikey and I stayed up for a little while so Mikey could get to a good saving point.

The door opened again and the headmaster came back in.

"Is Maycee up?" he asked.

"Just went to bed, sorry." Mikey replied."Why?"

"I need to give her this. Would you mind?"

"Give it to Gerard," Mikey said knowing why I was being mean. Little b*stard.

I took the letter from Mr. Iero and sat back down. "Make sure she gets that," he said.

"Will do," we chorused.

"You boys should go to bed. Got classes tomorrow."

"It's Friday," Mike commented hapily.

"Oh, yes. Then never mind. Make sure Maycee feels comfortable." And he was gone again.

"I'm sure you'll make her feel real comfortable Gerard," Mikey teased.

"Shut up. I'm probably gonna end up being a jerk and making her hate me." I replied sadly.

"Just be your self."

"I can't I just do it without noticing. I was a jerk to you too! Face it, I'm never gonna make it."

"Ok. whenever you're being a jerk, I'll... hmm.. I'll push up my glasses and fix my hair."

"You think that'll work?"

"Yeah. If you ever see me do that just stop take a breath and compliment something."

"Thanks Mikey. This might actually work."



ello! anyone notice the I'm Not Okay refrence near the end? You'll only get it if you've seen the video int he very begining with Ray talking to Gee saying he's not gonna make it.

the photo is what color her eyes r

and i was thinking. Why should Gee n Mikey be there? I was gonna say maybe their assasins (based off the song I Never Told You What I Do For A Living) and their parents sent them there. Give me ur opinion!

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