Chapter 2

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I handed the flight attendent my ticket and she handed back a little envelope from inside it.

Maycee it read in my mom's fancy handwriting. I opened it up and took out the letter once I was seated on the plane.

Dear Maycee,

you should be arriving in London around seven o'clock in the evening. There should be a taxi waiting there to pick you up and take you at the school. We bought you Wifi to use on the plane so I suggest you look up your school. Thomas Lilingston Shool for Delinquents. We're sorry we had to restort to this but many people wanted you locked away for murder. This way you don't have to be near all those people. We tried to find a school closer but they were all boys schools. This school made an exception because of a big donation and your father.

We're sorry,


Cool. Wifi. Pretty much all I got out of that. I pulled out my laptop and Googled the school, clicking on the link to their homepage.

Thomas Lillingston Shool for Delinquent Boys Achademy

Delinquent boys??

Excuse me???

A boys school?? For delinquents??? Were they crazy?

Who knows what those boys'll do... I shuddered at the thought.

I signed onto my Facebook and wrote as my status: "Moving to London to go to a boarding school. Oh there was one thing my parents forgot to mention.... ITS A BOYS SCHOOL! Bye ppls! probly see u in a few years!" before signing off again. I put my laptop away before laying my head on my seat and going to sleep.



sorry its really short! i wanna get a chapter from most of my new stories then i'll post a chap here

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