Chapter 3

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"Miss," I heard someone call. "Miss?" My eyes fluttered open to see a flight attendent gently shaking me awake. "Miss we'll be landing shortly."

"Thank you," I said. Wow. I slept the whole 14 hours? I must be tired. Maybe I'm depressed... I don't know.

Once I got off the plane I went outside to find my taxi. Their was a skinny guy just standing there holding a sign that said MAYCEE LEE WILLIAMS.

"Uh," I started when I was standing in front of him. "I'm Maycee."

He grabbed my suitcase and walked to a car. "Should take about two hours to get there," he said. I glanced at my phone. 7:30. Great, I'll get there around 10.

"Maycee," I heard someone call.

"Party Poision," I mumbled jolting awake. "What?"

"We're at the school Miss Williams."

"Oh. Thank you." Wow. I have got to spend less time sleeping. I looked up at the building to see a huge castle that looked like Hogwarts sitting on top of a hill.

"You'll have to walk your stuff up there. I'm sorry but if I had more time I'd help." he said before driving off. What a wonderful week. I slowly dragged my two huge bags up the hill.

Before opening the front door I glanced at my phone. 10:57. Great 11 o'clock at night. Hopefully I don't wake anyone.

"You must be Miss Williams," a man said entering the room after I closed the huge door. I nodded. "I'm Headmaster Iero. Come with me and I will take you to your room. Tomorrow we can talk and I'll show you around. One of your roomates might feel up to it but Mikey is pretty shy and Gerard is very kept to himself and rude." I nodded and followed him to one of the towers. He went up to the very top floor and opened a door in the middle of the hall on the left side.

I heard video game sounds and someone groan from inside, but once the headmaster's face was visible it stopped.

"Boys this is your new roommate Maycee," Mr. Iero said as I walked in. He turned to me, "Maycee you will be rooming in here with Gerard and Mike because they are two of my best behaved students and I don't want you sharing a single room with one boy." He turned back to the boys, "and just so everyone in here knows later this year you may have another room mate since you have four beds. You may organize it as you wish." and with that he left.

How kind of him.

"Hi," I whispered. I'm not very shy as long as someone talks to me first. "I'm Maycee."

"So we heard," said one of the boys. He had kinda shaggy, straight, black hair that went to his sholders and looked layered. He was wearing a Marvel t-shirt and skinny jeans.

The other boy -- I'm guessing his brother -- shot him a look and looked at me. "I'm M-mikey and this is my brother Gerard," he said. Gerard looked at him in surprise.

"What happened to the shy kid that is my brother?" Gerard asked.

He looked at the ground. "I'm not that shy," he mumbled, "and it's just one person."

"Moment of courage gone," Gerard smirked.

"Yeah, because of you," I said. They both looked at me. "He was plenty confident until you went and commented on his shyness. I never would have known he was shy."

Gerard glared at me. "stay out of this you don't even know us." he snapped.

"Sorry I'm really tired and cranky. Where can I sleep?"

Mikey looked at Gerard who just scowled. "The bed in my  room is full of stuff and both of us have way too much crap to move in one day so you'll have to stay in Gerard's room." he said quietly.

"There's only two rooms?"

"Yeah. Most of the doorms here have one bedroom with two beds but when they were building they accidently made this one double the size. The headmaster usually gives it to the best behaved. Which is very few at this school."

"That's right this is a school for delinquents."

"Yeah so why you here?" Gerard asked rudely. "This is a boy's school."

I sighed. "I was framed for a murder. The court found me innocent for insuficent evidence but my parents think I killed him. I have no idea why I'm at a boys school. My mom said it was the only school that would take me with the charges I have so I guess they made an exception." I paused, "what are you doing here?"


"Don't tell her Mikey. It's not her buisness." Gerard interrupted Mikey.

"She told us," he mumbled.

"It's ok Mikey," I yawned. "I just want to go to bed." I looked at the two doors. "Which one is yours, Gerard." He pointed to the farther one. "Thanks," I mumbled walking in there, dropping my stuff and sitting on the bed. I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.


a/n anyone want the next chapter from Gerard's P.O.V.? Maybe you like Mikey better? huh, huh? I probably gonna make it more Gerard and Mayc than Mikey but eventually (probably a little while in) I will have Frank as he appears in I'm Not Okay!

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