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Jupiter-kun: Alright next question

Projectb3n asks

Mars-kun can answer this one I think

How do you feel about the lewds about Earth-chan?

Mars-kun: *Gets shot gun and point's it* I'm opening FIRE if someone shows me something like that!

Jupiter-kun: Mars, Mars~ buddy... chill out it's not like they're going to link us a photo of Earth-chan like that *winks*

Mars-kun: I don't trust you on something like this *Glares*

Jupiter-kun: Oh come on I'm used to these kind of thing and besides... Earth-chan is to pure for that. I MEAN sure she'll yell about how she isn't flat but she still is pure

Mars-kun: Ya I guess your right *Lowers shot gun*

Jupiter-kun: No probs those I think I know how you can pay me back~

Mars-kun:  *Points shot gun at Jupiter*

Jupiter-kun: *Runs away*

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