Planning on running to the river to check on Idris and Nina, I turned around to where the bridge started. However, I found one hybrid remaining, the one that I stabbed with the iron spear, still very much alive, and it was howling. It howled so loud, it echoed throughout the woods. And it wasn't even two minutes later when another hybrid arrived, followed by another, and even more. In total, seven other hybrids came, joining the one that I wounded, all ready to attack me.

I could jump. I'd jump and join Nina and Idris, wherever the hell they are.

"You know, this is getting really annoying." I frowned at the hybrids, stepping backwards while fiddling with my backpack to see whatever I could use to get rid of them. I can't shoot them with tranquilizers one by one, and mercury doesn't do anything to them. The rest is the bag are just garbage I picked up from the cave. Then, there's also the other stuff that I picked up from the woods, just in case we needed them, but they won't do any good right now.

But maybe the garbage will do.

I just hope Idris and Nina are not in the river by the time I do the stupid thing I'm about to do.

"How about we call truce?" I asked, taking cautious steps backwards. "Let's all be best friends? I have a super cool werewolf friend who might teach you puppies to be nicer. You might have met him. His name is Lysander. I believe you assholes kidnapped him? And his mate? And the rest of my friends?" The hybrids growled louder, taking smalls steps forward. "How about you let them out, you kill Uriel and the witches and we'll call it a day? Hmm?" As I spoke every word, my hands reached into the bag for the broken flashlight that I found at the cave and an empty bag of chips.

I learned the trick from Drew and I hope to Einstein that this works. Otherwise, I'll die as a breakfast for hybrids.

"Or I have an even better idea." I continued to stall, ripping the bag of chips into small strips behind my back. "How about we work together? Have you ever watched The Vampire Diaries? Or Twilight? Whatever floats your boat? Vampires and wolves, hybrids, make a pretty bad ass team." At this point, I had a strip of the bag of chips and one battery from the broken flashlight. Using the aluminum side of the bag of chips, I attached the ends of it to the batteries and waited for the chemical reaction. "So what's it gonna be? Raise your paws if you want to team up." All of them ignored me, just as I expected. I managed to make it to the end of the bridge. When I saw that all hybrids are at the bridge, that's when I revealed my little weapon.


Drew shared to me how to create fire with only batteries and any object with aluminum, and it worked! The strip of the chip bag began to burn in green due to its material. The hybrids backed away at the sight, but I wasn't planning on throwing it at them. First, I burned the base that I'm stepping on, then I dropped the burning object on the railing. Finally, I stepped away from the wooden bridge and watched as the entire thing caught on fire, leaving the hybrids in the middle. The bridge burned a little slower than I wanted, and a couple of hybrids managed to escape, but six of them couldn't go anywhere and ended up falling off as the bridge burned and collapsed. The two hybrids that escaped is on the other side, and they have no way to reach me unless they swim the river and climb up, or if they can fly but the latter is pretty much impossible. At least, I hope. Nothing is impossible now a days.

Now, to find Idris and Nina and get the hell out of this place.

"That was very clever of you."

I froze at the voice. Unfamiliar and cold.

From the corner of my eyes, I see a figure emerge from the shadows. As the individual stepped forward, revealing herself under the moonlight, I saw a woman with short dark red hair and lavender eyes, wearing clothes that will let her fit in high school, though her face gives the impression of being in her late 20's. But this is a witch and she's much older than that.

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