Empty Kettle | yuri.chr

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{cutting!yuri x gn!reader trigger}

Yuri was taking too long to fill up the kettle for the tea. You started to worry about her, she knew the school, so she couldn't have gotten lost.

Suddenly a very uncomfortable feeling sunk in, Monika had mentioned her self-harm tendencies to you before. Your body started to tremble in fear, you felt an agonizing flame light up in your chest. You had to go check on her.

You headed for the door slowly, quivering. "Y-Yuri?" You called out for her hesitantly, your voice failing. She stood down the corridor next to the water fountain. You gulped at your sight, she was cutting herself with a pocket knife.

Despite you calling out, it wasn't audible enough for her to hear you. You took a step back and decided to watch from afar, afraid.

Yuri acted like she was loving it. She clenched her teeth and sucked in air at every slash. You felt paralyzed, the girl looked like a complete maniac. Her sleeve was pushed all the way up to her elbow, revealing bloody gashes around her forearm. "S-Should I stop her...?" You asked to yourself, still shaking.

You swallowed dry again, running towards her as fast as you could. Yuri jumped backwards at the fright of your sudden presence, hitting her back on the water fountain. She dropped the knife in panic, making it hit the floor with a screeching clunk.

You hugged her as hard as you could, bringing her to the floor with you. Hot tears started dampening her blazer as you started to cry. She looked as devastated as ever, trying to hold back some tears too.

"S-Stop doing that! A-Are you serious?!" You cried out, embracing her so exaggeratedly as if to protect her. She laid her head on your shoulder and started gently sobbing too. "Never do that again!"

"I'm- I'm sorry..." She weeped, her weak voice almost cracked up. You sat up and rested your hands on both of her shoulders, making her look at you. You both stared into eachother's hazy eyes for a long pause.

"Yuri..." You were about to give her a lecture you didn't want to. This wasn't the type of conversation for two students to have in a school corridor. So you sighed, stood up and walked towards the pocket knife. You glanced back at Yuri, who was sitting hopeless next to the water fountain.

You shut your eyes and stepped on the blade aggressively. It broke into several smaller pieces. "You'll come back home with me after this, alright? I'll treat your wounds." You told her, now helping her up.

She faced the opposite direction embarrassed and started fidgeting with a strand of her hair. You two entered the classroom with an empty kettle. Natsuki frowned at it.

"Eh? Weren't you two gonna fill it up to make tea?" She asked confused, looking over her manga. You looked down at the empty kettle in your hand.

"We decided to drink a soda later." You said, and Yuri nodded accordingly. Natsuki raised a brow in suspicion but shrugged, going back to her manga.

"Whatever, you two are weird..." She scoffed.

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