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Every time when Jade walks her street and sees Perrie, or any other member of the family, they wave at her, and she waves back. She wants to text Perrie, but doesn't want to seem too eager or intrusive, and also doesn't really know what to say. Please come over soon. Today. Right now. I miss you. I miss your smile, your screaming laugh and your hug.

Jade has to wait a while for a good reason to text Perrie, but it comes out of nowhere. She walks home from the bus stop one Friday evening, after a way too long work day, and sees a police car in Perrie's driveway. Jade immediately worries that something is wrong with one of them, and grabs her phone even before she enters her house.

J: Are you ok? I see a police car at your house

Jade waits nervously for a reply while heating up some leftovers for dinner, and it comes about an hour later when the police car is long gone.

P: We're ok! Someone tried to break into the salon!

Jade sighs in relief. Before she can text back, a second message comes in.

J: Do you want a glass of wine? I have a lovely Chablis that I can bring over.

Jade stares at her phone, her smile getting wider and wider. Then she looks around, at the messy room and the cigarette in her hand, and what she's wearing.

P: I'd love to! Give me half an hour?

J: Ok see you in 30

When Perrie rings the doorbell, Jade is a little winded after having tidied the house, lighting some candles and changing her comfy clothes into black skinny jeans, a top with a v-neck that shows some cleavage, and a long, warm cardigan.

"Hi neighbor!" Perrie says with a sweet smile and holds up a bottle of white wine. Jade opens it in the kitchen and pours two glasses before putting it in the fridge.

"You smoke," Perrie states when Jade enters the living room. Perrie is on the couch again, and Jade decides to sit next to her this time.

"I do, I'm sorry if it smells bad in here."

"Can I bum one?"

Jade blinks a few times. "You're a smoker?" She asks in wonder. Perrie giggles and it makes Jade smile from ear to ear.

"Officially, I'm not, I quit when I met Danny, but I really miss it a lot. Especially with alcohol."

Jade takes her packet and lighter from the table and takes out two cigarettes, gives Perrie one and then holds up the flame for her. Perrie inhales and blows out smoke with a sigh.

"So what happened, did someone break into your salon?" Jade pulls her legs up on the couch while Perrie takes off a pair of white boots and does the same. She's wearing the faded, ripped jeans again, showing off little bits of tanned skin, paired with a white blouse with the salon's logo on it. She sighs and her breasts heave in the wrinkly fabric of the blouse.

"No, they didn't get in, but they broke the lock on the back door and a window, and the police came over to look at footage from the security cameras with us. So it's ok for now, I just have to make sure everything gets fixed. We need to get a new door, something that is more difficult to break."

"And you need it fast?"

"Well, yes, because we can't use that entrance now. I hope I can find someone tomorrow who would do it."

Jade picks up her phone from where it was on the table.

"Let me call my boss, they do this kind of thing, too."

"Oh would you? Would he come out on a Saturday?"

Jade knows those guys work all the time, whenever they can, or they'll know someone who will. She calls the youngest brother and explains the situation, then hands the phone to Perrie. He quickly determines what she needs and gives her an estimate for a custom made safety door.

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