6: Not Anymore

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"Is that a girl?"

The woman stared at you, then at Connor, then back at you. You could feel your cheeks turning red. You had a feeling you knew what the woman was thinking. Of course, you didn't like Connor in that way, you'd only just met him.

Connors face flushed as well. He seemed kind of mad at the lady.

"Cynthia." He said cooly to the woman. It sounded almost like a warning.

You felt kind of awkward, like you shouldn't be here. The woman, whose name was apparently Cynthia, noticed.

"Now Connor, dear. Calm down. You have a guest." She gestured towards you. He took a breath, then turned to look at you.

"Sorry." He grumbled, looking away, a light pink dusting his cheeks.

"I... It's ok." You said. You weren't quite sure what was going on.

Connor looked back to the woman. "This is Cynthia... my mother."

You were a little shocked at the last part. You'd never seen someone act so cold towards their mom. You knew things like this happened, but it was usually in musicals and stuff. You never thought you'd witness this in real life.

"Nice to meet you." You tried to be kind and ignore the situation. "I'm (y/n) (l/n), Connors friend."

Cynthia seemed to beam with joy when she heard you say friend. She walked up to you and shook your hand. "My name is Cynthia Murphy. Oh I'm so glad he's made a friend!" She seemed to have tears in her eyes.

Connor grumbled a little bit.

"Oh right." Cynthia said. "You two have fun." She waved you off, and you followed Connor up the stairs. He led you to a door at the end of the hall. He opened the door, and you almost gasped out loud.

The room was really messy. With clothes and other things slung around carelessly. It was also really dark. The walls were painted a dark gray, with wood floors and black bedsheets. The thing that hit you the hardest was the smell. The room absolutely reeked of weed and other abominable stenches.

Your eyes started to water. You looked at Connor, he was glancing at you nervously. "I wasn't really expecting to have anyone in here... sorry."

You simply nodded. You surveyed your surroundings one more time, then looked back to Connor. "I can help you clean it."

He seemed a little shocked by your comment. "That's ok. I wouldn't want to burden you."

"I don't mind. Plus, it'll give us something to do, unless you had something else in mind."

"Alright, I guess." He sighed. "But even I'm not sure what you're gonna find." He rubbed his arm nervously.

"Ooh, a dead body?" He looked up at you with a mix of shock and anger. You're not sure why but that comment really got him. "Dude, chill. I'm just kidding."

He sighed and nodded. "What do you need me to do?" He asked.

You thought for a second. "Can you grab some cleaning supplies, and maybe a few trash bags or something?"

He nodded and left the room. You looked around, trying to decide what to start with. You walk around and pick up the clothes lying around. You pile them all in a corner to be washed later.

Connor came back in with a few bags, some cleaning spray, and some air freshener.

Timeskip brought to you by Kirito eating a sandwich

You had been cleaning for almost three hours, and his room was nearly spotless. You had filled the bags with trash and other things you'd found lying around, and you had cleaned everything and sprayed air freshener, so that the stench was gone.

You and Connor looked at each other. He grinned, and you couldn't help but grin back. "Thanks, (y/n)."

Something about the way he said that made you feel a little bubbly. You weren't a very gushy person, so this feeling was new.

You nodded at him, then thought. "It's still a little gloomy in here, isn't it?" You asked him.

He looked at you, "I guess so..."

"Oh! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you." You looked away, embarrassed.

"No, I guess I just hadn't realized how depressing my life was until I met you."

You looked up at him in surprise. That was a really deep thing to say. He grinned down at you.

"I guess what I'm trying to say is, thanks." He smiled, the most genuine smile you'd ever seen. You smiled back.

"Here." You say, pulling out your phone. "What's your phone number?"

"Oh! Um, it's (insert some random phone number here, cuz idk)"

You type it into your phone and set a contact. You type a small message and send it to him.

You hear his phone ding, and smile. "Well, I better get going." You said. You looked up at him again, "Can you drive me home?"

"Sure." He said. You both got into his car. You gave him your address, and he took you home.

"Bye Connor." You said as you got out of his car.

"Bye, (y/n)."

Bonus, Connors POV

I get home and head to my room. I think about what (y/n) said. I guess my room is a little gloomy.

I remember the text she sent me. I plop on my bed and take out my phone.

(y/n) (l/n): I guess you're not a stranger anymore

Hello my lovely readers💕💕💕 I'm so glad some of you are enjoying my story! Thank you so much for reading!!! Have a great life 👌💕👌💕

We All Have Our Demons (Connor Murphy x Reader) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now