Lukie the Water Fairy

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Tomas was on the mine road when he decided to take a shortcut.  "Thin and his friends might be following me, I'll take the shortcut through the forest," he muttered as he stepped off his bike and walked it through the small path that entered the forest.  If he continued to his right, it will lead him to the cleaners, his next pick up stop.  If he went straight, it will put him deeper into the forest, which leads to a waterfall that dropped into the river below.  

Somewhere Tomas shouldn't go without an adult.   Tomas was only eleven but he the hand he wrote with was his right, so as he entered the forest, he had to walk straight to a point where there was a large boulder of rock.  When he reached the rock, he must turn to the right.  As he entered the forest, the sound of nature and it's animals frighten him a bit.  "It's sure scary walking through here all alone, I get wait to I set to the other side," he whispered as he glanced around frighten, yet brave.

He spotted the large rock that was just up ahead.  The path was wide and clean enough for a bike ride, so he quickly hopped onto his bike.  He rode it down the path towards the large rock. Then suddenly as he reached the rock, out from behind the bushes, jumped out Thin on one side and Johnny on the other.  "Hey, buddy, I told you I get you later.  So what did you get from the store? Is it anything we might like to eat?" said Thin as he approaches Tomas, who had suddenly stopped his bike three feet in front of them.

"Look, I don't want any trouble. My dad is sick, and this is just his medicine that I need to pick up. Please let me go by." Tomas said as he turned his bike to the right, where he needed to go.  Johnny stepped in front of the path.  "You better give us something, cause there's no way you are riding by me," he said as he sped his hands ready to grabbed Tomas,

Then Thin ran towards Tomas.  He struggled with the bike a little, then he kicked Thin in the stomach and began to paddle quickly, he glanced back one time.  When he saw, the two boys running behind him, he paddled faster, this time not looking back.

"Thin, hold up!  We're not allowed to go further, my mother will have a cow if we get lost out there.  They say that everything looks the same, and many have gotten lost, and never seen again." explained Johnny as he stopped running.  "Really?  Come on we can catch him." said Thin as he stopped in front of him.   "He'll come out soon, he has to go right, so he has to come back out.  Let's go back to the rock and hide and wait." suggested Johnny  "OH, well, I guess.  Let's go." said Thin as they both walked back towards the large rock.

Tomas continued to ride his bike full speed, not realizing that he was turning every now and then.  He heard the boys, so he keeps riding until he didn't hear nor was able to see the boys.  He slowed down his bike.  "Goodness, I hope they're gone.  Those boys are so much bigger then me, if they hit me, they will hurt me badly and I really don't want to feel pain." he thought as he finally stopped the bike and began to look around.

"Where am I? I think I've walked too far into the forest. I do believe I'm lost. No, this can't be happening. Not now!  My father is sick and mom needs me." he whispered as he stepped off his bike and began to walk his way through the forest trying to figure out which way to go.

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