"Why don't all the new kids sit with their parents? Gives them a chance to get to know them." Fred winked. He was kind of disappointed that George's kids hadn't come back from the future. He'd have liked to meet them.

Most seemed to think this was a good idea and began moving to change seats. However Ginny spoke up, stopping everyone.

"What's the point?"

"Ginny! These are your children!" Molly scolded.

"But they're not. They might be in the future, but the me right now, doesn't have kids! What's the point in getting to know them if we're just gonna be obliviated when they leave!" Ginny argued.

Lily suddenly burst into tears. She had never felt so betrayed and hurt in her life. Her own mother didn't want to know her. Sure she wasn't the mother Lily was used to, but she was still the same Ginny. Lily had never missed her mum more than she did right now. She took off, quickly running from the room.

"See what you've done now! That poor girl is absolutely heartbroken!" Molly said, disappointment etched over her face.

Ginny felt guilty for her outburst. It wasn't Lily's fault that they'd been thrown back in time. This was just as hard and confusing for her as it was for Ginny.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset her." Ginny shook her head.

"Maybe you should go and talk to her, Ginny." Hermione suggested.

Ginny nodded her head and set off to find Lily. Ironically she found the young girl sitting in the same spot in the attic Ginny herself had sat when she was upset. Ginny walked across the room and sat beside Lily.

"I always come here when I'm sad." Ginny said softly, staring straight ahead.

Lily remained silent and tucked her knees tighter to her chest.

"I'm sorry for the things I said downstairs, Lily. I didn't mean to upset you like that." Ginny said, turning to face her.

"Why don't you like us?" Lily asked, taking Ginny by surprise.

"It's not that I don't like you Lily, I do. Tt's just all very strange for me. I still haven't wrapped my head around the fact that I'm married with children, let alone with the great Harry Potter." Ginny smiled.

"You know you always say that Daddy is much more than a celebrity who defeated Voldemort?" Lily sniffled.

"I've never thought of Harry like that. He's always been just Harry to me. Yeah he's a hero, I mean he saved my life, but he's also kind and thoughtful and brave. He always thinks of others before anyone else." Ginny smiled.

"That's my Daddy!" Lily grinned. "He's still like that now."

"Lily? Can I ask you a question?" Ginny said after a moment of silence.

"Okay." Lily nodded.

"What's your life like? I mean in your time. Are we good parents?" Ginny asked.

"You're the best! James doesn't like it when you tell him off or punish him, but we're all happy. Daddy is my best friend and you are always smiling and laughing and hugging us." Lily beamed.

A Twist In Time - A Harry Potter Next Gen FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora