Start from the beginning

    Dean was mostly a pain in the ass. Sure, we had some good moments, but I hated being waken up from a good nap, even if it was his car I was sleeping in. I hate that he never let me pick the music, ever. Obviously, we have the same taste in music, but that's not the point. I also made him pie. What did he ever do for me?

     Sam never did anything wrong. I actually still miss him, but what happened, happened for the best. Whatever we had, can't happen because we're freaking hunters, and one of us will end up dying or getting hurt, and it's just going to drive the other crazy. I should have realized this months ago but I was too excited to finally be with somebody who liked me to stop and think about the bad things that could happen.

    However, knowing my luck, I will probably see them again sometime soon anyway.

    Two days later, Crowley and I are in another house, with another body with burned out eyes. I'm getting restless and impatient, and it's showing.

    Those two demons are already there, so Crowley silently motions  for me to be quiet. I give him a 'duh, do I look stupid to you' look and then hide myself. I don't need Crowley for that anymore, I figured out how to hide myself. When Chuck was telling me about my soul, he said I can pretty much do anything. It really pissed me off because it was so vague, but now I realize he was just being honest.

    "So, so gross," one of the demons says, stepping over the body with burnt out eyes. "I thought he was supposed to meet us."

    A phone rings and one of the demons takes it out of his pocket, putting it to his ear. Demons using cell phones.

    "What? Yes. No, I– of course, my liege. We're here, but– but where's..."

    "What's he saying?" The other demon asks.

    "He won't tell me where he is," the demon on the phone says, shielding the phone away so Lucifer doesn't hear his voice. "He thinks we're being followed. Come on. There's no way we're being followed."

    I raise my eyebrows and turn to Crowley, a little smile forming on my face.

    Crowley clears his throat as he steps out of his hiding spot, getting the demons' attention. "Hello, boys."

    "Lucifer?" The demon on the phone says, looking shocked to see Crowley there. "I, uh, have to go." He hangs up the phone.

    "Still betting that horse, are we?" Crowley asks. I don't come out yet, I'm waiting for the right moment.

    "Yeah, 'cause we're not stupid," the other demon says. I roll my eyes, scoffing quietly. I hear Crowley sigh.

    "Keep telling yourself that, dear," the king of Hell says. "That dust up with the Darkness must've really taken it out of the old boy. That's why he's jumping from vessel to vessel. It's why Lucifer's running– because he's weak."

    "So? He'll get stronger," one demon says. "Lucifer will lead us to glory. As long as he's out there, Hell will never follow you."

    "Well, like they say, 'Duh'," Crowley says. "But when we kill the devil—"


    "Hey, dirtbags," I say, stepping out of my hiding spot. I can see the demons' eyes widening at the sight of me. One of them even takes a step back. It's so nice and relieving to know I still hold a reputation in Hell.

    "You..." the one who took a step back says.

    I shrug. "Me," I smile a little. "I mean, we, are going to kill the devil–" I gesture to myself and Crowley. "–and you aren't going to be there to see how awesome it is."

    "You're no match for Lucifer," one of them says dramatically, then he turns to Crowley, laughing a little. "You were his dog. Even powered down, he could kick your Posh Spice ass."

    An angel blade slips into Crowley's hand and he kills the two demons right there. I stand at the side, unfazed.

    "Who's laughing now?" Crowley says to their lifeless vessels.

    "I hate demons," I mutter, kicking one of their arms away as I walk by. It's now that I realize that there's more than one burned out vessel in this house, there's actually three.

     I walk over to the counter and lift up a picture that's in it's frame. I furrow my eyebrows, looking at the picture of the family then to the same family dead on the floor in front of us. I realize it looks like the father is the only one missing from the room.

    "The dad's not here," I say, shoving the picture at Crowley. He takes it and I lean down to examine the bodies again.


    "Witnessed say he was sweating and pale and psycho," the police officer says. "He said his name was freaking Lucifer."

    I sigh. Crowley and I are standing away from the crime scene, but not too far so we can't hear what the officer is saying. It was Lucifer again, obviously.

    The two of us turn simultaneously to walk away.

    "We need help," Crowley says.

    "Gee, that might be the best idea you've ever had."

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