"That's crazy," I say, scowling. But, that's pretty much what I expected.

"Yeah," Dean says. "But uh, Chuck said something else to me that really didn't make sense."

I shake my head a little. "What?"

He pauses. "He said that if worse comes to worse, after he's locked up, you'll have to be the one to kill Amara."

"Me?" I make a confused face.

"He said that, out of the three of us, you were the only one powerful enough to do it," Dean continues. "He didn't say me or Sam, or even Lucifer, but you."


     "I liked going to Arby's with you."

"Whatever, you don't even like Arby's," I mumble in reply. It's true, he said something about how bad that food is for you and how he doesn't want to eat it.

"Well, I like you," Sam says. My heart patters in my chest despite the sleepiness in every other part of my body. I smile but keep my eyes closed, I think I'm falling asleep. Maybe this is just a dream. "And I'd go to Arby's with you every day if you wanted me to."

I smile even wider. I would never ask him to go every day, but it's very nice of him to say that. "Why are being so mushy right now? Why only when I'm half asleep? Why couldn't you be like this earlier?"

He doesn't say anything. For a while I think he's fallen asleep, or I fell asleep, but then I feel his lips touching mine a little. Let's just say that you could have pumped me full of sugar instead, it would have the same effect. My heart goes crazy right away.

Our relationship is so weird. We don't even act like a couple, except when we're actually kissing. Any other time, it's just like we're friends, nothing more.

FADED ▷ Sam Winchester [2]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora