Harry Stomach Flu💜

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Niall- 6
Zayn- 15

It was 2am when Harry woke up with a tummy ache. He tried to ignore it and go back to bed but the persistent pain wouldn't let him sleep.

He tried his best to move away a bit from Louis to get into a more comfortable position but his stirring woke him up.
"Haz?" Louis asked, voice low and raspy from sleep. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, baby. Just a bad dream." Harry said and kissed Louis on his head. Louis cuddled further into Harry's side and fell asleep in a couple of seconds.

Harry used his free arm to run small circles on his belly, hoping to ease away the pain, but to no avail. Shortly afterwards, he could feel his mouth start to salivate. He knew what was happening next and quickly shot out of bed and ran to the bathroom.

He made it in time to empty the contents of his stomach in the toilet. He did this until nothing else was left in his tummy amd flushed it down. Harry groaned as he sank down on the edge of the bathtub with his hands pressed against his stomach.

He heard light footsteps coming his way until he was met by a concerned Louis entering the bathroom. "Aw, Hazza. Why didn't tell me you were poorly?" Louis asked as stooped down beside Harry, removing the curls from his face.

"I didnt want to bother you. I'm fine now though." Harry said softly. Louis rolled his eyes. "You are clearly not fine. If you're ill wake me up. I don't care. I love taking care of you."

"Let's get you back to bed." Harry eased up from the floor and washed out his mouth before walking into the adjacent bedroom.

"Here. These should help with nausea and pain." Harry took the pills that Louis gave him and climbed back into bed. The pain has slightly reduced but it's still very uncomfotable.

"What's wrong?" Louis asked his husband after sensing his discomfort. "Does your tummy hurt?"

Harry nodded kind of embarrassed and his cheeks blushed. "There's nothing to be embarrassed about, love. Lay down on your back." Harry did what he was told and laid down on his back.

Louis's warm hands reached under Harry's shirt and started rubbing soothing circles on it. Harry moaned at the pressure that made his stomach less upset. "Aw babe. You're so bloated." Louis commented and continued doing this until his hands got tired.

"Thanķs, Lou." Harry said, pulling his shirt down. "Anytime, Haz. Try to get some sleep. Wake me up if you need me." Louis said as he lied down beside his husband.

Harry managed to get a couple minutes of sleep before he woke up again with a sharp pain shooting through his abdomen. He bolted towards the bathroom but couldn't make it in time to the bowl and send up puking all over the floor.

Louis was quick to grab a bin and held it in time for Harry to spill his second round.

"I'm so sorry. I don't mean to make a mess. I tho-" Harry rambled on. "It's fine Harry." Louis sighed. "Stop working yourself up over something you couldn't control."

Harry walked over and sat back down on the bed while Louis cleaned up the mess on floor. And that's how it goes for the rest of the morning. Harry puking every couple of minutes but Louis is right there beside him, comforting him.


It was now six in the morning and Louis had to go wake up the kids for school. He has been up with Harry since two and he was grateful Harry was getting some sleep now but he was absolutely exhausted.

He sighed as he slowly got out of bed and walked towards his son's bedroom. He knocked on the door before entering. "Zaynie? Wake up. You can't be late for school." He said as he shook the boy lightly receiving a long groan in return.

He crossed the hall and went in Niall's room. "Niall?" Louis whispered as he walked in. The six year old stirred in bed and smiled when he was his Papa walking in.

"Mornin' Papa." He said as Louis picked him up in his arms. "Good morning baby. Did you sleep well?"

He yawned and collapsed his head on Louis's shoulder. "I'll take that as a yes then." Louis went in the bathroom and helped him get ready for school, which was pretty easy since he isn't fussy in the mornings, unlike hid older brother.

When Louis got Niall ready, they made their downstairs for breakfast. On most mornings he'd make bacon and eggs, waffles or something of the sort but he was just not feeling it. He dragged his tired ass to the fridge where he took out some cereal and milk.

He sat Niall down in his chair and began adding some cereal to the milk "Papa! Come quick!" Zayn called out from upstairs. "Shit" Louis cursed and ran up to the bedroom where hbe found Harry kneeling over the bowl with Zayn holding back his curls.

"Thanks Zayn. I'll take it from here. Go eat your food." Louis said as rubbed circles on Harry's back.

"I don't have much of an appetite but okay" He said walking out of the bathroom. Harry nodded not really trusting himself to open his mouth.

"My poor Hazza. I'll go get you some medicine but you'll have to eat first." Louis told him as he sat himself on Harry's lap. "I'm not hungry." Harry had his head resting on Louis's shoulder for a while until his belly rumbled.

Louis chuckled and kissed his husband's head one final time before getting himself followed by Harry off the ground and downstairs. When they arrived, Zayn looked at his father nervously but looked slightly relieved when Harry flashed him a small smile and thumbs up.

"Hi Daddy!" Niall shouted from his chair and Harry walked over a pecked his son's hair. "Good morning, Nialler."

Louis made a slice of toast that Harry nibbled on before going back to lie down. Louis went to check on him one last time before bringing the kids to school.

Bringing them to school took about twenty minutes max so he stopped at a pharmacy to get more medicine for his poorly husband.

He stepped in the house and saw Harry curled up on the couch with a bucket by his side.

"Not feeling any better?" Louis asked and Harry shook his head. "Well you ate something. Take these. If they don't work I'm bringing you to the hospital."

Harry downed the medicine and was glad he didn't feel so nauseous. "Lou..." Harry moaned from the couch.

"I know baby, it sucks. Tummy rub?" Harry nodded knowing Louis's hands will help to sooth the pain. "Think you're gonna be sick again?"

"No. Just hurts." Louis took care of Harry for a couple hours until he had to pick up the kids.

When they got home, they were sure to be quiet because Harry was asleep. However, he woke up when he heard footsteps coming towards him.

"Daddy?" He peered over to his blue eyed son and smiled at the card in his hand. "Is this for me Nialler?" Harry beamed.

"Uh huh. Papa told me you were icky so I made you this. He said it will make you feel better." Harry opened the card to see a drawing of all four of them with 'Get well soon. Love, Niall' written across the top.

"Aw thank you Niall. I feel a lot better." Harry smiled at his youngest son and ruffled his hair, making him giggle.

The rest of the day was spent taking care of Harry and watching movies. By the next day, Harry felt much better thanks to his loving husband and kids.

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